Saturday, 23 March 2024


Post from 2014, ten years ago, on the STMA Progressive Syllabus

It is interesting to see how closely we have stuck to this over the ten years and where changes have been made

Ninjutsu is the area we have most expanded on, going beyond just using the TenChiJin and sourcing the 6 scrolls directly

The TenChiJin thread was started in 2009, added to in 2012, updated in 2023

The 9 Schools thread was started in 2013

it was five years later in 2018 that we started adding more specific info to this thread and gave each school it's dedicated thread with the Gata listed

The last post on the 2014 thread refers to SILAT

Silat is the generic name for the martial arts of Malaysia, just as Kung Fu is the name for the martial arts of China

So in parts Silat resembles arts we already have

Kali Kempo
Kempo karate
Kempo Jujutsu

So there really hasn't been a need to tap Silat yet
A second reason is that it would serve to confuse members who aren't too sure of the arts listed above

What we do use in Silat so far is the three major foot sweeps done at trapping range, that complement the karate sweeps done at kb range and the judo sweeps done at grappling range

What we will probably do is add in Silat drills at certain phases and ranges, just as we added mantis drills to chi São

It took us until last year 2023 to properly list and practice Silat, the Entry and TD Phase

Most likely Silat would be he next Art we go further into

Be interesting to see where we take this over the next ten years


Four clips with highlight from old Karate matches

Kicks, punches, knees, sweeps, throws, knockouts



Looked at Modern GOSHIN weapons

Knuckle Duster
Security torch

The Kukushin Gata done with TESSEN and JUTTE done with the Torch
- the use of the light itself to distract

- this is based on KATONJUTSU in Togakure, the use of Fire - in daytime the use of mirrors to reflect sunlight, in modern times torchlight

KEMPO applications eg Five Swords

KB progression

Karate Kumite
Focus pads - box sets and karate sets
Set 3, 4, 5, 6 application

Competition Karate
Knockdown Karate
Full Contact Karate

Kickboxing - competition no low kicks

Kickboxing - Standard low licks
Semi Contact Kickboxing - Freestyle Karate

Isolation Sparring Progressive

Karate Throws


While Karate on Okinawa did not contain Nage throws as such, when Funakoshu developed what became Shotokan in Japan, he refined a list of 9 throws

Having studied Judo and consulted with Kano he developed and finalised this list

The karate sweeps, as listed on the Board, were refined through the Competition years, and can be seen today

The list of throws are done from Karate Range, practiced as Jiyu Ippon Kumite, all come out in Free Sparring, and are applicable to Self Defence

In STMA we have covered these and referred to them, and are all present in Jujutsu and Judo, and some versions in Ninpo

The names are more "poetic" than directly descriptive

The 9 throws of Gichin Funakoshi

Byobu Daoshi – to topple a folding screen - O Soto Gari

Komi Nage – spinning top throw - Ikkyo - Tekki bunkai - the third move in KENPO Long 3

Kubi Wa – neck ring - Irimi Nage

Katawa Guruma – cripple wheel - the followup, with leg grab

Tsubame Gaeshi – reverse swallow - Dumog, Uki Otoshi

Yari Dama – spearing throw

Tani Otoshi – valley drop - though it has the same name as the Judo throw, it is variation on Ippon Seoi Nage and Shiho Dori

Ude Wa – arm ring - Bassai bunkai - double leg TD

Gyaku Tsuchi – reverse sledgehammer - piledriver

The modern format of Karate KKK - Kihon, Kata, Kumite, gave rise to the Sparring/Sport version that became widely taught

As we know, the STREET applications from Kata are not always passed on

Funakoshi's book Karate Do Kyohan lists and describes the 9 Nage


New pages at the Website for the KB sub sets


Streamlining the Class Format of

Wood - Ring - Mat


Drills done on the Wood floor

Most Weapons
Some Ninpo
Chi Sao
Hubud and NRG


Drills on the Mat

Kempo that involve TD and Ground finish
Karate Sweeps
Most Hanbo
Judo and Aiki waza
JJ standing
JJ Ground


Though we don't physically go into a boxing ring, as we would at the Boxing Gym, we pad up and do the KB Phase the same way, so conceptually this is the RING stage and format

Ring craft is taught, awareness of the boundaries, whether that be ring, cage or competition mat

This applies to STREET and we reference it - the road, building next to you, big glass window, lamp post

Indoors this applies to wall, bar, tables and chairs, booth, pool table

KB and it's subsets including Karate

Impact and padwork



The fourth "Arena" as you all know - mostly Wood and some Mat

On hot dry days we have used the big field for padwork and some KB drills

Wednesday, 6 March 2024




The Sparring is based on the preparation and conditions for the various contest, depending on their rules

DOJO sparring would often vary a bit from CONTEST sparring and Rules





LOW KICKS KICKBOXING - this is the Standard KB we Spar at Class regularly

THAI format - add Knees and Elbows

LETHWEI - add Headbutts


Notes on each:


Karate Kumite into Shiai - the first Karate contests, points

Light Contact to body

No contact to head

Head kicks allowed, no contact

Kizami tsuki and uraken to head, no contact

Point decided on good form

No leg kicks

Sweeps allowed, if followed by a kick or punch

If opponent swept over, then follow up with kick or punch - the sweep itself does not score

If downed, use Kick as in Stage 5 to Stop attack, so no point

When a point is scored, YAME is called and the fight resets

Points scored as IPPON and WAZA-ARI

Based on the fighting and scoring systems used in KENDO and JUDO, both KUMI at the Dojo and SHIAI contests

In JUDO when an opponent is thrown, the point is called, then break, stand and reset

In KENDO when the target is struck and called eg MEN or DO , the point is given and the fighters reset

This Karate was called "Kendo without the Shinai" and that is how it started in Japan

Longer range and longer stance, angled and bladed

- full gyaku tsuki to body

- kick with cap of boot

- in KB terms this would be Savate range

Most styles of Karate use this format



Some contests were just for their own style, some matched styles against each other


Kyokushin contest - continuous with "clicker" to tally points - can win by Knockdown NOT Knock out, though KO can and do occur

Contact with Kicks to legs, body and head

Kicks to head - no punches

Contact punches to body

Knees allowed in Contest SHIAI though not in Sparring KUMITE - they are drilled in Sparring sessions

In Sparring with Knees, either you hold back too much, or someone gets hurt, there is no middle ground, so it is just drilled realistically and safely

Closer range as kicks are done with shin not boot

This creates a closer range punch and knees flow naturally

In KB terms this is more like THAI

Closer range, more square on stance

This form of Karate Sparring brings us closer to a KB match and closer to a real Street fight

Those who spar "standard" karate, with the longer distance kicking and punching often doubt the realism and whether the "one punch, one kill" concept really works as it would with a "one cut one kill" of the Sword

This form of Kumite removes that doubt and brings Sport Karate and Dojo sparring closer to Original Karate in it's form and effectiveness


This developed later than Full Contact, however for development it fits better in between

More armour is used

Shin guards
Forearm pads
Bigger gloves - not full boxing gloves
Groinguard and gumshield

Continuous fighting for the round, with points added up like Clicker or in Boxing match

Semi contact, so harder than Points, though the intention is to win on Points NOT to KO the opponent

Stance is the Freestyle Semi Contact Stance, side on Horse Stance Kiba Dachi - different hand guard position, more use of lead leg, quicker spin back kick, longer lunge for rear punch

Punches and kicks to head and body

No leg kicks

Sweeps allowed

As well as backfist and spinning backfist the HAITO Ridge Hand started to be used

These Contests matched Karate against other styles including TKD - the Lau Gar clubs did particularly well in these events


The first Full Contact Karate was just that - Karate as far as it had gone, now with Boxing gloves, allowing Head punching, fighting for KO

Boxing added to Karate in it's first format for what was then called KICKBOXING

Backfist was allowed, as were Sweeps, leg kicks were not

The Spinning Backfist became a matter of debate - rules was both Camps had to agree for it to be used

FULL CONTACT KARATE - This was essentially the format of Points Karate with boxing gloves and head punching now done full contact, the longer stances with added contact

KICKBOXING - this was when Karate fighters went to cross train at Boxing gyms, learn the proper boxing format, train and spar Boxing, use the full boxing equipment, and do conditioning - there were also Boxer who "added Kicks" by going to cross train at a Karate club and spar Karate fighters

Though there was an overlap during the developmental years, the "finished product" is the same thing in terms of Sparring and Competing


KB with the Low Kicks added back in so the format changed

- the format of the Knockdown Karate contests with the Boxing gloves and head punches added and the knees removed

- like Thai without knees and elbows

THAI format

Knees added

Elbows added

There later became subsets of what was called "Thai Boxing" Contests that either had

- No elbows, knees allowed including to Head

- No elbows, knees to body not head - more like a KB version of Knockdown Karate

- and bizzarely no Knees, yet they still claimed it was "Thai" format - so like KB above

Some organisations promoting "Kickboxing" events had matches under these Rules


As discussed, Contests are essentially the same as Thai with Headbutt allowed


Essentially FC KB format though with the return to the longer distance and stance, with the CHASSE Side kick being the primary kick

Longer swing versions of the hook punch, and the "swing" punch, a haito overhand