This is Western boxing, hands only fighting.
The main tools are:
Jab, Cross, Hook, Uppercut
The target is the head, the purpose is the knockout.
With lead and rear hooks and uppercuts, this generates 6 basic punches. You learn and practice these on the pads, then try them out in sparring.
Drilling is progressive:
Basic punches - the "big 6"
Attack combinations
Defensive combinations
Kickboxing - Full Contact
This is basically boxing with the addition of the 4 primary karate kicks:
front kick - mygeri
Round kick - mawashigeri
Side Kick - kekome
Back kick - ushiro geri
These are learnt on the shield and primarily delivered to the stomach.
Head kicks are secondary and you don't have to learn them unless you want to.
Other secondary kicks include the hook kick, done to the head, and jump kicks.
Practice is progressive:
Hand, hand
Hand, Foot
Foot, hand
Foot, foot
There are of course defences for the kicks and defensive combinations.
Then there is progressive sparring:
Boxing v boxing
Boxing v kickboxing
Kickboxing v kb
Then isolation sparring:
Lead hand only
Lead hand and leg only
LH and LL against kb
Semi Contact Kickboxing
This is the same as Freestyle karate.
Primary drilling is done on the focus mitts. Sparring uses the lighter mitts and is touch or semi contact only.
Additional hand techniques include the ridge hand and backfist.
The stance tends to be more side on the FC, and there is more use of the side push kick than the front push kick.
Good head kicking is necessary to become really proficient at SC KB.
Lo Kix KB
Same as FC KB but includes low kicks to the leg, and involves the leg block.
Thai boxing
With KB we have taken our drilling mainly from karate and boxing.
Thai boxing takes training methods from Muay Thai, a different MA.
This involves the use of the knee, and training on the Thai pads.