WTMA is not MMA - we do not "mix" martial arts together.
We take a technique, drill or concept from a particular Art that works at a certain range or phase of combat.
We emerse ourselves completely in the full training of that Art.
We then come away from that Art - we are "liberated" from the structure, not bound by it.
What we examine t STMA is the "flow" between the Arts.
Like a bar of brass which is made up of zinc and bronze.
You cannot just sellotape a bar of zinc and a bar of bronze together and claim to have created a bar of brass. Which is what a lot (not all) MMA styles claim to have done.
What you need to do is fuse the two elements at the molecular level to create a new compound.
At STMA we are currently working the following Fighting Arts:
In the unarmed phase:
Muay Thai
Wing Chun
In the armed phase:
Krabi krabong
Kadena de mano