With KB we have taken our drilling mainly from karate and boxing.
Thai boxing takes training methods from Muay Thai, a different MA.
This involves the use of the knee, and training on the Thai pads.
Thai CRA
In the kb we play the Thai knee phase.
In Thai, there is knee sparring where you tie up and fight with just knees, which is an important phase of Thai and a great skill in itself. If the opponent goes to the floor in knee spar, in Thai you break.
In MMA, VT or Street, you would follow in with a strike - a drop knee or kick.
The Thai "throw" is called a "thum" and is a very effective throw for VT or the street.
Thai pad ABCs
Jab, Cross
Double kao
Double dte
J,C,H, Dte, kao
J, C, salute, H, Kao
J, C, dte
C, sok
H, sok
c, kao
tiip, C, H, C
We drill the Thai dte to the leg then arm - "thigh and bi".
We drill the tiip to the body
We drill the "rainbow" kick which sits between.
We drill these in lines, on the pads, then bring out in sparring.
For knees we use the gum sao style block, drill pads, then in sparring court the "set up" clinch and use knees.
After a while the use of knees in sparring become automatic.
The Power Kick
I have demonstrated this in class a few times, so I'm going to break it down for easy reference.
This is a description of the plyometric components of the round kick.
1. The step
2. The hip
3. The thigh
4. The calf
Practice each of these 4 components as show, then add them together for aggregate power. Develop on pads and maybe bag.
In combat we are looking to land this kick to the outside of the attacker's thigh to drop him to the floor and immobilise him.