An STMA innovaion is to apply the Chinese I Ching to the Filipino Martial Arts.
We do this in 6 count sinawalli.
The Heaven symbol being the unbroken single line for High Heaven strike
The Earth symbol being the broken double line for the Low Earth Strike
we now have 8 drills:
HHH - heaven
HHL - wind
HLL - mountain
HLH - fire
LHH - lake
LHL - water
LLH - thunder
LLL - earth
you will notice the deliberation of opposites:
fire and water is obvious
as is heaven and earth
wind, substance without sound vs thunder, sound without substance is more subtle
the next phase is to split the count in half.
In Heaven 6 you would do HHH then HHH.
What you do in "64" is mix and match.
So you do HHH then HLH
or HHH then LLL
After HHH on the left there are 8 possible trips to do on the right.
Then you go to HHL and do the same, each with 8 answers.
This gives a total of 64 possible combinations, which match the 64 hexagrams in the I Ching.
Or for those with a mathematical or computing mind binary to base 8 to hex.