........ WHITE TIGER MARTIAL ARTS CROYDON ........ SHIRO TORA BUDO KAI ........ South Croydon ........ – Weapons training – Unarmed Combat – Grappling – Kickboxing : Traditional and Contemporary Martial Arts : Practical, Realistic and Effective Street Self Defence : Get a great workout – Learn something – Have Fun! ....... : HIT HARD – HIT FAST – HIT FIRST! : If you want to learn to fight – come to see us!
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Recruiting new members this autumn
We are looking to recruit new members this autumn
Recruitment process:
A prospective member comes to watch on Monday...
they come try a class on Wed - they pay £5 fee for this
we give them a week to think about it
they come back next Monday to sign up
it costs £35 to sign up,
which includes the cost of gloves, stics and knife
that is their first lesson and is free
(we no longer do a free trial,
a prospect pays for the trial as it is a class and the first lesson,
the night they join, is free)
The new member must commit to training twice a week every week -
if they cannot make that commitment to us they cannot join -
we are not taking someone on who misses every other session
Women's Self Defence, Martial Arts and Kickboxing
At STMA Women who want to train in Martial Arts, Self Defence, Kickboxing, train alongside the men, NOT in a seperate class.
Ladies from Surrey, South Croydon and South London area interested in training, are all welcome to watch and try the classes in Shiro Tora....
Traditionally our dojos have always offered:
Ladies and womens classes in Self Defence
Ladies and womens classes in Martial Arts
Ladies and womens classes in Kickboxing
Ladies and womens classes in Muay Thai - Thai boxing
Ladies and womens classes in Wing Chun Kung Fu
Ladies and womens classes in Kali and Filipino Martial Arts
Ladies and womens classes in Self Protection and Rape Prevention
A lot of ladies join kickboxing classes to enjoy the sport and sparring. This is particularly good for women with a background in aerobics, dance, fitness, and those who have attended classes such as Body Combat.
A lot of women join Martial arts to learn traditional arts and earn their belts. We have several female members who have trained up to Black Belt and one female 2nd dan instructor.
A lot of ladies come to class interested in Self Defence and Self Protection, and the increasing need for Rape Defence training.
New syllabus for new members
Traditionally we started everyone with Kali, single stick, double stick
We will do single stick largo serrada until their own stix turn up as usual - however we will start them with the krabi drills ...
8 step
5 step
then sinawalli 2 and 4
then krabi single stick 8 step
then 6 count
they will also get to do krabi drill against boken and jo, giving them a much fuller stickfighting system earlier on, as well as encouraging them to get the longer weapons early
krabi also relates directly to muay thai so we can have them doing thai punching and kicking as well as knees and elbows very early, leaving the more complex boxing, savate and karate drills til later
apart from, of course, the most basic karate step drill, 10, 5, 3 and star, which they will learn quickly and practice regularly
we will also streamline the waza of kempo, CRA lox and chokes and newaza, so they work a techniques and learn it before moving onto the next one
The same applies to the kickboxing phase at the end, after learning the basic sets as padwork, then a partner drill, we progress them to sparring both boxing and kickboxing
Message to prospects (email)
Thank you for your enquiry.
Our dojo is based in Caterham CR3.
We do not advertise our address on the website as attendance is by appointment.
The way we do this is you come to watch a class then you try a class -
if we are what you are looking for, and you are a suitable candidate, then you are invited to join.
Training is then every Mon and Wed at 8pm and members are expected to attend both sessions every week.
We do not accept casual members, once a weekers, or walk ins,
All information you need is at the website.
As we are an equal opportunity organisation can you confirm
1. your gender male or female
2. your ethnic background (eg white UK)
3. if you have any disabilities
4. your age
5. if you have any martial arts experience and if you have attained any belts or grades
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
The 9 Schools of Ninjutsu
There are 9 schools, or ryuha to give them their Japanese name that are considered Ninja schools
only 3 of these are actually "ninjutsu" or ninpo in the truest sense
the other 6 were MAs practiced by Ninja clan that became complete schools - some are based on Kempo, some of Japanese JJ or Kenjutsu
What makes them Ninja is that they were used by the Ninja against the samurai, tactics preceding techniques as always
It is not necessary to go into any real depth with these schools early in your career, but they may be referred to in class
this is similar to how a shuto is done different in kempo to kyukushin karate to shotokan and why taijutsu's kiten ken is a unique technique not a variation on karate or kempo's shuto
Kukishinden Ryu Happo Hikenjutsu
Kuki shinden Ryu (Nine demons school)
Happo Hikenjutsu
sword, spear, halberd, bo, hanbo,
jutte, tessen kusuri-kama
military strategy
Started as a battlefield art, techniques brought back by masters who survived to teach
The Bojutsu was devised in battle when the commander's spear broke and he used the staff to defeat the remaining enemy with the kuji kiri 9 cuts method
the Bo of Takagi yoshin ryu is taken from kukishinden
the taijutsu of kukishinden is based on takagi yoshin ryu
Bojutsu in the ryu holds elements of spear and halberd and is used in a deceptive manner
it is similar to other Jo schools of Japan, and differs from the Bojutsu of Okinawa, which is part of Karate and Kempo
shorter sticks include hanbo and tanbo - although there is a part of taijutsu that uses them as close range weapons, similar to a karate weapon
Kenjutsu in this ryu has a signature upward slash at angle 12
it also uses long and short swords, swords in pairs, throwing knife, and bo shuriken
Naginata - halberd - the ryu owes it's creation to the battlefield halberd and the broken halberd that started it's bojutsu
Hanbo - a similar origin in that a warrior's spear was cut in half so he used the half staff. Further developments of the hanbo come from the movements of the sword. It also has a section based on taijutsu kempo.
Spear - sojutsu - yari - a difficult weapon to use as it relies on distance and timing. Similar to the Wing Chun pole.
Gikan Ryu Koppojutsu
Gikan Ryu (Regard for justice school)
a bone breaking method with low stances and powerful First Rule strikes
Pairs with Koto Ryu as an early form of hard karate
It has the precept of Sentenashi, no first attack, meaning it is a self defence system
The founder of Gikan Ryu was a student of Gyokko Ryu and it is an adapted Kihon Happo that uses First Rule and bone breaking rather than Second Rule and kyusho pain strikes
eg a thai kick to the leg causes a dead leg, attacks the muscle, and drops the opponent - with the right training you could develop the power and focus to break the bone
eg ikkyo is an immobilisation and takedown - but could be developed to break the arm at the elbow
Based on KH this ryu uses distance to draw the opponent in and then destroys him with bone breaking strikes
If Gyokku Ryu resembles Shorin Ryu karate, this ryu and Koto Ryu resembles Shorei Ryu karate
Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu
Takagi Yoshin Ryu (Raise the heart to the high trees school)
This closely resembles Kempo Jujutsu, very much a grappling school with rapid strikes
The throws and chokes of Judo, and the locks and projections of aikido can be seen here - though in a battlefield form, not a mat form
Power and pressure - techniques are applied fast, close and in succession so the opponent has no chance to retreat or counter, breakfall, roll, or escape
Unlike battlefield arts for soldiers, this was an art developed for bodyguards - it was developed inside a building, not outdoors like most koryu, designed for use in a more confined area
This is almost the opposite of Shinden Fudo Ryu which is outdoors in nature KJJ, TYR is indoors and urban KJJ
As this ryu is not battlefield based it takes it's weapon system from the Bojutsu of Kukkishinden Ryu, and the shorter sticks are used to effect in close quarters
The entire syllabus of this ryu forms the unarmed combat of Kukkishinden Ryu
Koto Ryu Koppojutsu
Koto Ryu (Tiger knocking down School)
"to knock the Tiger down with the tips of the fingers"
Koppo Jutsu
Very much like kyukushin karate this method involved linear strikes to break bones
First Rule - hit fucking hard
This ryu adopts training methods seen in Okinawa and later in Japan in kyukushin - wood breaking to perfect the bone breaking methods - striking sand and gravel, then later stone to condition the hands and other striking tools
The 10th Soke of Gyokko Ryu founded the Koto Ryu
This ryu also teaches sword, and uses the four point shaken shuriken
Shinden Fudo Ryu Dakentaijutsu
Shinden Fudo Ryu (Tradition of the immovable god school)
This closely resembles Kempo Jujutsu.
The hard striking methods are drawn from Chinese Kempo, including low line kicking.
There is also hard grappling method, chin na done like Judo.
The hand and body tool conditioning is not as fierce as Koto Ryu, but still involved hitting trees to toughen the tools, and also ripping bark to develop the "seizing" methods.
There is also the use of trees to practice the taijutsu for throws and locks
This ryu teaches oversized weapons - instead of a simple Bo a ninja would use a whole branch or log, his taijutsu allowing him the movement to weild it
this ryu also made oversized weapons - an axe, a hammer, and a sword, for use with it's taijutsu
This ryu promotes the "principle of nature", was big on training in nature (a lot of Grass Days) and natural body movement
It also uses hojojutsu - the art of using a rope in combat, a lot like a rodeo lasoo
Gyokko Ryu Koshi Jutsu
Gyokko Ryu (Jewelled tiger school)
The oldest ryuha.
Based on Chinese Kempo, with roots in Tiger Crane, strikes are made to muscles and nerves - a lot of Second Rule. There is also chinese chin na - muscle seizing and tearing.
Closely resembles kung fu, tiger crane, with some dragon, snake.
Taijutsu kihon happo comes from this ryu.
The changing of direction mid flow gives us evasion and distance in defence, adds torque and power in our counters, and makes it hard for the opponent to read us so he in turn can't counter.
Indirect attack.
The 10th Soke of Gyokko Ryu founded the Koto Ryu school of koppojutsu
Sunday, 3 March 2013
Ninjutsu Book of Man
Jin Ryaku no Maki (Humanly Strategy Book)
Suwari Gata (sitting forms)
•Three forms of defending from seated posture
Katate Dori (counters to single hand grabs)
•Five forms of countering one hand grabs or grabs with one hand
Ryote Dori (counters to two hand grabs)
•Seven forms of countering two handed grabs
Haibu Yori (defending the rear)
•Five counters to attacks from behind
Tsuki Uchi (counters against fist attacks)
•Nine forms against punching attacks
Keri ni Taisuru Uke (counters against kicks)
•Five forms against kicking attacks
Tsuki to Keri ni Taisuku Waza (counters to punch & kick combinations)
•Five forms against punch/kick combo attacks
Nage Kaeshi (throw counters)
•Eight counters to throws - also defined as "returning the throw"
Muto Dori Gata (unarmed against a blade)
•One form unarmed against a blade attack
Zanto Tonko no Kata (escaping forms)
•Seven forms for escaping variety of attacks
Ninjutsu Book of Earth
Chi Ryaku no Maki (Earthly Strategies Book)
Hajutsu Kyuho ( nine grab escapes & breaking out methods)
•Nine escaping methods from grabs, throws, kicks & punches
Gyaku Waza (reversal techniques)
•Nine methods of arm/wrist manipulating
Nage Waza (throwing techniques)
•Nine throwing and toppling methods
Shime Waza (choking techniques)
•Five methods of strangulation
Ninjutsu Book of Heaven
the Chi Earth and Jin Man books contain techniques, kempo, grappling, weapons, inton, goton, that are all based on the kihon of the Ten Ryaku
Taihenjutsu - rolling, walking, jumping
Kihon Happo
Kamae - stances
Muto dori - unarmed sword defence
Jurropoken - sixteen striking tools - "Ninja Kempo"
Ten Ryaku no Maki (Heavenly Strategies Book)
Taihenjutsu Ukemi Gata (rolls, breakfalls, leaping, moving)
•Four directional rolling & diving
•Four directional breakfalls & drops
•Four directional leaping
•Body evasion movements
•Walking techniques
Kamae (postures, attitudes)
•Eight postures
Hoken Juroppo (striking)
•Sixteen body weapons
Sanshin no Kata (movement)
•Five integration movement forms
Kihon Happo Kata ( eight foundational combat techniques)
•Three striking methods
•Five grappling methods
Muto Dori Gata (Shinken Gata Taihenjutsu) (sword evasion)
•Three sword evasion methods
Ninpo Ninjutsu Yumi Ya Kyujutsu Archery
The Japanese bow and arrow are called Yumi and Ya, Japanese war archery is called Kyujutsu (Kyudo being a modern version, more of a meditation than a sport).
Of course Ninjutsu employs the yumi and Ninpo kyujutsu, Ninpo archery, is covered ...in different ryu.
We have already demo'd the modern fibreglass bow at class, so future Grass Days will be an opportunity to cover and investigate the use of Ninpo kyujutsu in contemporary environmental context.
It's not all shuriken and blowdarts after all ;)
STMA Grass Day Early Spring 2013

Environmental training
Started with some taihenjutsu rolling and breakfalling
the bulk of the session was Kempo JuJutsu
Kempo Kihon and Master Key waza with some takedowns as insertion and extension
Advanced Kempo - about a dozen sets which use the various tds
kempo ground finishes
Ninpo taijutsu taiken:
using your body as the weapon to throw and project
ganseki nage:
versions - nage throw, otoshi drop, ori walk and roll
aikido okidoki:
5 tom ate waza
kaiten nage - rolling throw
Concepts from Togakure regarding use of shuko in kempo sequences
Shuriken when keeping the gap, closing and takedown, shuriken on the ground for close range finish
Armour methods of Kumogakure Ryu
Gyokushin Ryu concepts of distance, breaking with kempo
Saturday, 2 March 2013
Togakure Ryu Ninpo Ninjutsu
Togakure Ryu (Hidden door school)
The primary school for ninja tactics, techniques and tools
biken jutsu - ninja sword - the short straight sword
kenjutsu fighting skills and iaijutsu drawing skills
Yonpo Hiden - the four secrets:
shuriken and metsubishi
shuko claws
shinondake - blowgun/snorkel
shoge - blade and rope/ring
This ryu is 800 years old
The taijutsu for Togakure ryu is taken from GyokkoRyu KoshiJutsu and Koto Ryu KoppoJutsu
taijutsu kenpo uses shuko, and always has options for throwing shuriken and metsubushi
shinobi gaeshi - the taihenjutsu that is used for escape and evasion is based on the sanshin no kata, both in technique, and in the interpretation of the elements godai and gogyo
santo tonko - use of shuriken and metsubushi in vanishing
henso jutsu - disguise and impersonation
sakki - the sensing of intention, as in the shidoshi test
The famous Ninja Hattori Hanzo was from this ryu
When the Toda family inherite the ryu they added their own systems of Kumogakure ryu, Gyokko Ryu and Koto Ryu
The primary school for ninja tactics, techniques and tools
biken jutsu - ninja sword - the short straight sword
kenjutsu fighting skills and iaijutsu drawing skills
Yonpo Hiden - the four secrets:
shuriken and metsubishi
shuko claws
shinondake - blowgun/snorkel
shoge - blade and rope/ring
This ryu is 800 years old
The taijutsu for Togakure ryu is taken from GyokkoRyu KoshiJutsu and Koto Ryu KoppoJutsu
taijutsu kenpo uses shuko, and always has options for throwing shuriken and metsubushi
shinobi gaeshi - the taihenjutsu that is used for escape and evasion is based on the sanshin no kata, both in technique, and in the interpretation of the elements godai and gogyo
santo tonko - use of shuriken and metsubushi in vanishing
henso jutsu - disguise and impersonation
sakki - the sensing of intention, as in the shidoshi test
The famous Ninja Hattori Hanzo was from this ryu
When the Toda family inherite the ryu they added their own systems of Kumogakure ryu, Gyokko Ryu and Koto Ryu
Gyokushin Ryu Ninpo
Gyokushin Ryu (Heart school)
or Spherical Spirit
This is real Iga mountian Ninja stuff - espionage, disguise, invisibility
There was not much focus on fighting style here as the onus is on evasion rather than combat - however in grappling this ryu uses sutemi sacrifice throws to take the enemy down so they can be finished on the ground, below sight lines - this would be used in defence if discovered, and in infiltration to take out a sentry
In a fight you keep your distance and draw the opponent in were he can be dealt with - like the double retreat before shoot, clinch and td
Attack By Drawing
It is summarised that Gyokushin is entirely based on Gyokko Ryu, therefore the Kihon Happo, just a different tactical approach.
There is also a suggestion that, as Takamatsu Sensei was at Kano council for Jujutsu instructors, that the sutemi waza sacrifice techniques of Judo come from Gyokushin.
There is also a modification of the KH in this ryu that allows for powerful bone breaking, meaning this school adresses koppo jutsu as well as jutaijutsu in combat, similar to the koppojutsu of Gikan ryu
This ryu also uses flexible weapons such as kusurifundo chain, and the lasoo, so includes hojojutsu
Kumogakure Ryu Ninjutsu
Kumogakure Ryu (Hidden shine school)
or Hiding In The Clouds School
very similar to Togakure ryu in it's taijutsu and fighting method
clever use of combination strikes and combination blocks, a very surreptitious way of moving in combat that is hard for the opponent to track and counter
it also uses tobi leaping and jumping in combat method
Uses spear, sword and armour
including a kama-yari, which is also used for climbing and swinging from trees
the tools of this ryu double as both weapons and climbing/infiltration aids
the shoge, kuntai and sugi are examples as are shuko claws
Armoured Ninjas were members of this ryu
a modern example would be kevlar body armour
(or Batman's costume
ninjas from this ryu would often wear a demon mask - which is both protection and a weapon, and the strike kikaku ken, the headbutt, comes from the use of the mask
the armoured sleeves are from this ryu
members of this ryu were survival specialists
this ryu has a deep spiritual and esoteric sides which includes mindsets, meditation, and possibly hypnosis, with a foundation in both Buddhism and Shinto
the Ninja prayer Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo comes from this ryu
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
Shiro Tora Budo Kai Caterham Croydon Dojo White Tiger Martial Arts
We currently run two public classes a week:
Monday 8pm to 10pm
Wednesday 8pm to 10pm
at the British STMA hombu dojo
Caterham, Surrey CR3 UK
£5 a session
These classes are for all levels, beginner to advanced
This is an adult class over 18s only
There is no junior class
Our curriculum includes training methods from the following Fighting Systems:
Street Fighting . Self Defence. Urban Combat . Threat Response
Kali . Eskrima . Stick. Knife . Empty hand
Krai Krabong. Muay Thai boxing
Kempo Karate . Kempo Jujutsu
Jun Fan . Wing Chun
Boxing . Savate Boxe Francais
Grappling . Wrestling . Judo . Jujutsu. Dumog
Ninpo TaiJutsu . Kobudo
Our system is currently taught to Police Officers, Door Supervisors,
Prison Officers and Security personnel
Learn from a 7th degree Black Belt with over 30 years experience
For further information contact us by email
email: ShiroToraTiger@yahoo.co.uk
website: http://www.ShiroTora.co.uk
blog: ShiroToraTiger.blogspot.com
Practical, Realistic and Effective Street Self Defence
White Tiger Kempo Jujutsu

Form 5 of Karate adds throws and takedowns to the Kempo techniques - which then involve Kempo ground finishes - so from Kempo Karate we move to
Kempo Jujutsu
Kempo Goshin Jutsu
is a complete unarmed combat system
based on Japanese empty hand Martial Arts
the rapid hand strikes of Kempo
the kicks, punches, blocks and strikes of Karate
the devastating and effective self defence techniques of Jujitsu
the joint locks and throws of Aikido
the throws, chokes, strangles and ground fighting of Judo
Self Defence for the Streets of Britian in the 21st Century
Multiple opponents
Weapon defence including gun and knife
Street proven techniques and tactics
White Tiger Kempo Karate
As we're building up the kb sets we take more complex drills from the arts of boxing, karate, savate and thai - primarily punches and kicks
Thai of course has knee and elbow strikes, but these are not used in sparring and rarely in partner... drills
we develop these sets on impact pads and bring them out in freestyle sparring wearing our PPE, boxing gloves and shinpads
we punch the head and body
we kick the leg and body - and sometimes the head
we practice defences and defensive combinations - defend the opponent's blow before executing our combination
With our Kempo and Street Karate we look into more complex techniques and concepts
Kempo takes us "beyond sparring" - we no longer just use the clenched fist and it is not inside a padded protective glove it is "empty hand"
we use a variety of "ken" striking "tools" or "fists" to different and more lethal targets - shuto knife hand to neck and throat, finger strike to eyes, knee and kicks to groin and knee
we cause direct and deliberate damageThai of course has knee and elbow strikes, but these are not used in sparring and rarely in partner... drills
we develop these sets on impact pads and bring them out in freestyle sparring wearing our PPE, boxing gloves and shinpads
we punch the head and body
we kick the leg and body - and sometimes the head
we practice defences and defensive combinations - defend the opponent's blow before executing our combination
With our Kempo and Street Karate we look into more complex techniques and concepts
Kempo takes us "beyond sparring" - we no longer just use the clenched fist and it is not inside a padded protective glove it is "empty hand"
we use a variety of "ken" striking "tools" or "fists" to different and more lethal targets - shuto knife hand to neck and throat, finger strike to eyes, knee and kicks to groin and knee
Form 3 of karate was all about grappling defences - various grabs
Form 4, using the attributes and reflexes developed in sparring, takes us Beyond Sparring to defend against more complex attacks from the opponent, combinations of kicks and punches - and with more variety behind our responses and strike combinations
So when you are developing your boxing and thai sets you are developing the attributes and reflexes that go Beyond Sparring to make your Form 4 Karate even more lethal

Whether hiding or moving,
inton or goton,
concealment or escape,
follow the "S" code
There are 8 points here - which could be considered the kihon happo of Onshinjutsu
Spacing - the space between you and the enemy, what they can see. Are you working alone, is the enemy, are you in a group, is the enemy? Move apart, not in formation, not at the same time - have no pattern that can be noticed
Surface - camoflague
Stealth - does your movement match the background noise? footsteps, vehicles, wind in the trees? Are you making "natural" sounds? Do you sound like water, the wind, an animal moving - or do you sound like a person? Avoid unnecessary movement.
Shape - does your shape look like a person, have you broken up your outline to look like you are part of the environment?
Shadow - the opponent cannot see you, but where is the light - are you casting a shadow on the ground or wall or tree? And does the shadow give away your shape? And would they see the shadow move even if you are concealed from direct sight?
Sillouette - are you so dark you make a dark shape that stands out?
Shine - anything metal reflective? Does the moving light catch your eyes and make them glint? Do not look directly at the enemy you are avoiding
Silence - are you moving silently? Or if concealed sitting silently? Can the enemy hear your breathing?
inton or goton,
concealment or escape,
follow the "S" code
There are 8 points here - which could be considered the kihon happo of Onshinjutsu
Spacing - the space between you and the enemy, what they can see. Are you working alone, is the enemy, are you in a group, is the enemy? Move apart, not in formation, not at the same time - have no pattern that can be noticed
Surface - camoflague
Stealth - does your movement match the background noise? footsteps, vehicles, wind in the trees? Are you making "natural" sounds? Do you sound like water, the wind, an animal moving - or do you sound like a person? Avoid unnecessary movement.
Shape - does your shape look like a person, have you broken up your outline to look like you are part of the environment?
Shadow - the opponent cannot see you, but where is the light - are you casting a shadow on the ground or wall or tree? And does the shadow give away your shape? And would they see the shadow move even if you are concealed from direct sight?
Sillouette - are you so dark you make a dark shape that stands out?
Shine - anything metal reflective? Does the moving light catch your eyes and make them glint? Do not look directly at the enemy you are avoiding
Silence - are you moving silently? Or if concealed sitting silently? Can the enemy hear your breathing?
Ninpo Taijutsu Ninjutsu
The two styles of Ninpo Taijutsu that exist, the Bujinkan and the Genbukan, draw their methods from the 9 existing Ninja ryu, which we have listed elsewhere.
They form a "book" called the Ten Chi Nin Ryaku No Maki, which means the Book of ...Heaven, Earth and Man.
The first part, the core of modern Ninja training, is taken from the Book of Heaven, itself based on the core syllabus of the Gyokko Ryu.
There are two main training methods or "kata":
the Sanshin no kata - set of five waza,
the Kihon Happo - set of 8 techniques - 3 striking and 3 grappling.
Here we start our practice a modified interpretation of Kihon Happo based on both the sanshin kata and the koshi kihon sanpo, the 3 striking waza of the gyokko ryu.
These are defences and responses against 4 jodan attacks, then 4 gedan attacks.
They form a "book" called the Ten Chi Nin Ryaku No Maki, which means the Book of ...Heaven, Earth and Man.
The first part, the core of modern Ninja training, is taken from the Book of Heaven, itself based on the core syllabus of the Gyokko Ryu.
There are two main training methods or "kata":
the Sanshin no kata - set of five waza,
the Kihon Happo - set of 8 techniques - 3 striking and 3 grappling.
Here we start our practice a modified interpretation of Kihon Happo based on both the sanshin kata and the koshi kihon sanpo, the 3 striking waza of the gyokko ryu.
These are defences and responses against 4 jodan attacks, then 4 gedan attacks.
We then practice the 5 grappling responses to a collar grab called the torite kihon goho. They consist of 3 wristlocks, an elbow lock, and a throw. They are the basics for ninja grappling defences.
Another way to categorise Taijutsu is to seperate it into it's 3 major skills:
taihenjutsu - body movement
dakentaijutsu - striking - kempo
jutaijutsu - grappling - jujutsu, chin na
kobudo, weapons, is done with
body movement, the same stances and footwork
striking, including cutting for blades
grappling, lox and chokes with stix
Ninja Onshinjutsu
Onshinjutsu is the art of invisibility, escape and concealment
in combat it is about hiding your intentions and actions from your opponent
Ninpo taijutsu, as a combat method, is hard to read and follow for an opponent and makes much of us...e deception, distraction and drawing
To be invisible, to hide and move unseen and unheard, we use the GoGyo five elements
Earth, Water, Fire, Wood, Metal
when being looked for by an enemy there are two main methods
1. hide so the searching enemy passes you by
2. move without being seen or heard
in combat it is about hiding your intentions and actions from your opponent
Ninpo taijutsu, as a combat method, is hard to read and follow for an opponent and makes much of us...e deception, distraction and drawing
To be invisible, to hide and move unseen and unheard, we use the GoGyo five elements
Earth, Water, Fire, Wood, Metal
when being looked for by an enemy there are two main methods
1. hide so the searching enemy passes you by
2. move without being seen or heard
Ninpo Taijutsu Sanshin Kata
The "Three Hearts" form of Ninpo Taijutsu
Chi - Earth - Seigan - shitan ken
Sui - water - ichimonji jodan uke - shuto kiten ken
Ka - Fire - ichimonji jodan uke - ura shuto
Fu - wind - gedan uke - boshi ken
Ku - void - gedan uke - shako ken - keri
Ninpo Taijutsu Kihon Happo
Kihon Happo - 8 basic - 8 Infinate
koshi kihon sanpo
... jumonji
Torite kihon goho:
1. Against lapel grab and punch - jodan uke, omote gyaku
2. Move back to ichimonji, then again with omote gyaku
3. Move back ichimonji, ura shuto, ura gyaku
4. Against double lapel grab - musha dori
5. Ganseki nage
As Kihon Happo has also been taken to mean "8 infinate", a basis for infinite techniques, it is appropriate for Shinobi Shidoshi to re-interpret them as their dojo develops
koshi kihon sanpo
... jumonji
Torite kihon goho:
1. Against lapel grab and punch - jodan uke, omote gyaku
2. Move back to ichimonji, then again with omote gyaku
3. Move back ichimonji, ura shuto, ura gyaku
4. Against double lapel grab - musha dori
5. Ganseki nage
As Kihon Happo has also been taken to mean "8 infinate", a basis for infinite techniques, it is appropriate for Shinobi Shidoshi to re-interpret them as their dojo develops
Ninpo Mutadori
Mutodori is the skill of evading an opponent with a katana sword while unarmed.
It involves not being there when the strike arrives
it involves movement in one of the 8 directions to evade
... it involves closing the gap to counter
Though we are unlikely to encounter a samurai weilding a sword these days, it is the principles of this training we are interested in.
Mutodori means defending yourself against an attacker with a 3 foot razor blade - and this attacker is an expert
If you perfect mutodori then any modern weapon attack
blade, stick, flexible, projectile
machete, bat, chain, gun
is going to be achievable
as with the other ninpo kata the physical example practiced is just a way to learn and understand the concepts
It involves not being there when the strike arrives
it involves movement in one of the 8 directions to evade
... it involves closing the gap to counter
Though we are unlikely to encounter a samurai weilding a sword these days, it is the principles of this training we are interested in.
Mutodori means defending yourself against an attacker with a 3 foot razor blade - and this attacker is an expert
If you perfect mutodori then any modern weapon attack
blade, stick, flexible, projectile
machete, bat, chain, gun
is going to be achievable
as with the other ninpo kata the physical example practiced is just a way to learn and understand the concepts
White Tiger Kung Fu
A lot of Wing Chun
Some Praying Mantis
The best parts of Tai Chi
and the stripped down deadliest bits of Tiger Crane which form the foundation for Kempo which forms the foundation for Karate-Do
Some Praying Mantis
The best parts of Tai Chi
and the stripped down deadliest bits of Tiger Crane which form the foundation for Kempo which forms the foundation for Karate-Do
Tai Chi in Combat
The Tai chi push comes in 3 henka all from the same section of the form:
ward off
stroke horses mane
the combat application is to push the opponent away from you:
push him down, allowing escape
down stairs
into a wall
through a window
into the road in front of a vehicle
in CRA it sits between the Wing Chun range and the Muay Thai clinch
Some arts we only use a small percentage of and, in combat, TC is one of them, a we only use the push as a direct technique
However it is a very versatile technique if you consider the timing and the environment
We pair Chinese TC with Filipino Dumog
TC is the art of pushing an opponent
dumog is the art of pulling an opponent
both arts move the opponent to another place, and often to the ground
the 3 variations of the Push listed are the advanced henka and take into account the positions of your hands to his control points
Tai Chi and Physics
Tai Chi teaches us how to use the laws of physics to move an opponent
Archimedes stated
"give me a big enough lever, give me somewhere to stand, and I will move the Earth"
and this is applicable to all leverage based teqchniques, JuJutsu in particular is full of them
Consider Newton's First Law of Motion:
A body at rest or in motion will remain in that state until acted on by an external force
Consider the front stance, zenkutsu dachi, forward bow as a way of understanding, training, and applying this law
Pushing a car
1. the car is stationary and you want to get it moving
2. the car is rolling and you want to make it stop
use this stance, with the arms in front of you, to change the state of the car
Modern Tai Chi
never mind stroking a horses tail, plucking a lute, or looking for a needle at sea bottom
practice your tai chi in contemporary terms
Mug: "There are no rules in a Street Fight"
White Tiger "Yes there are, the rules of physics"
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