Environmental training
Started with some taihenjutsu rolling and breakfalling
the bulk of the session was Kempo JuJutsu
Kempo Kihon and Master Key waza with some takedowns as insertion and extension
Advanced Kempo - about a dozen sets which use the various tds
kempo ground finishes
Ninpo taijutsu taiken:
using your body as the weapon to throw and project
ganseki nage:
versions - nage throw, otoshi drop, ori walk and roll
aikido okidoki:
5 tom ate waza
kaiten nage - rolling throw
Concepts from Togakure regarding use of shuko in kempo sequences
Shuriken when keeping the gap, closing and takedown, shuriken on the ground for close range finish
Armour methods of Kumogakure Ryu
Gyokushin Ryu concepts of distance, breaking with kempo