Saturday 26 October 2024

KALI KEMPO range - NINPO KOPPO range - then we go from there

As we go towards the last section of the year, a new post on what we have been discussing, demonstrating and drilling

These topics:

KALI and KEMPO have sets and drills that are Sophisticated and Complex

NINPO Sword and KOPPO Taijutsu are simple and direct and done from a longer stance and range

HANBO fits in well with this range and has locking and TD

WING CHUN once the three main levels have been completed - BART CHARM DAO Swords relate direct to the system

KARATE as Unarmed Self Defence is the same in the way it develops it's Weapons as they evolved from the farm tools

ALL Martial Arts start with Weapons and this is most often the SWORD

so ALL Unarmed Combat came from the Weapons movements, concepts and techniques


KALI and KEMPO have sets and drills that are Sophisticated and Complex

KALI progresses from Double Stick to Single stick, moving through the three ranges

Largo Long

Sombrada - Medio - Medium

Hubud - Corto - Close

then to Knife and finally Empty Hand Panantukan

KEMPO range is closer than Karate, longer than Wing Chun

incorporates Kick, Punch and Trapping ranges

higher, shorter stance, faster hand movements

FIVE SWORDS done with sticks, with Empty Hands - the first MK technique and a good example of this

the Single stick at close range includes trapping, locking and TDs

2, 4, 6 and 8 are basic drills, then they get chained into a longer sequence of 20 strikes

the same applies with a Kempo set with an extension - a longer sequence

Thundering Hammers:

Block, body shot, the two hammer blows
add the next two head strikes
add the TD bit with the strikes
the ground stamp sequence

NINPO Sword and KOPPO Taijutsu are simple and direct and done from a longer stance and range

Using the NINPO BIKEN of Togakure and the longer Katana of Kukishinden battles were fought in armour

There are not complex long techniques in any Sword school

So KOPPO schools use shorter sequences from the longer range


Against a Sword cut, block then cut, possibly a second cut - there is no need for a long series of strikes


- against a grab or grab and strike, or against a punch or kick, maybe two, five at the most in the longest sets, use Ken and Keri Kudaki, keeping long range

- respond with a strike or two, maybe a TD

HANBO fits in well with this range and has locking and TD

- against a punch, kick or grab

- block, strike, lock, td



Developed as Civilian systems of Self Defence, including Unarmed Defence against weapons, multiple opponents, and the most difficult one of all

Unarmed Defence against Multiple Opponents with Weapons

The Weapons of these systems were added in later, as mentioned above, so we learn Karate and Wing Chun as Unarmed systems first, before adding the Weapons

For KEMPO we take the same approach and progression

Unarmed one on one
Multiple opponents
Weapon defences - Club, Knife, Gun
Double stick/club
Double Knife

This allows us to pair KEMPO with KALI as Kali starts with Weapons

NINPO which is the refinement of the NINJA Arts from the 9 schools

Taijutsu Unarmed

Mutodori Unarmed v Sword

Biken Sword v Sword

then we go from there


If it is made illegal to carry and use Weapons, the only people carrying and using them will be criminals

The Law Abiding Citizen who needs to defend himself and his family against these criminals needed a new strategy

From the Temples in China, to the farms in Okinawa, to the streets of modern England, and all the countries and time zones in between, we base our Unarmed Self Defence on WHAT WORKS, what has been handed down

We focus on WHAT WORKS


ALL Martial Arts start with Weapons and this is most often the SWORD

Warriors put on armour and drew their swords and went into battle

It was this way the World over, the Knights in England, across Europe, Greece and Rome, Asia, Samurai in Japan

Other weapons concerned other ranges

Longer weapons, spears and halberds

Short swords, knives

BLADE weapons

The STICK weapons were at first incidental eg the BO being the broken spear

so ALL Unarmed Combat came from the Weapons movements, concepts and techniques

In peacetime Self Defence arts were developed

Unarmed systems were developed in civilian clothing eg the Kimono

the WAR arts were preserved and passed on during peacetime to the next generation who again used them in the next War

Civilian tools became Weapon extensions of the new Unarmed systems, as in Karate and Wing Chun


This is seen is other Arts and Systems around the World

WING CHUN once the three main levels have been completed

Sil Lum Tao
Chum Kil
Bil Jee

with Mok Jong done in parallel

the BART CHARM DAO Swords relate direct to the system, and then cycle back in once this level is learned

Tan Sao with the hand becomes Tan Dao with the sword, etc

The Kwane comes after and uses WC principles at distance - and the blocking is still WC, and the strikes are to specific targets eg What we call Kasumi Uchi in Bojutsu

KARATE as Unarmed Self Defence is the same in the way it develops it's Weapons as they evolved from the farm tools

Bo, Tonfa, Nunchaku, Kama, Sai

The BO comes first

The Tonfa is obviously adapted from Karate blocking and striking