FWA - Five ways of attack
SDA - Lo jab and cross
ABD - Attack by drawing - draw lo punch and counter hi
PDA - Progressive Indirect Attack - fake lo hit hi
ABC - Attack by combination - app of focus pad drills
HIA - hand immobilisation attack - trapping in boxing
FWD - 5 ways of defence
evade - slip, roll, duck, bob and weave, snapback
block (constantine)
distance - step back and return
New boxing set:
1 - J, C, J
2 - C, J, C
3 - J, C, J, C
4 - C, J, C, J
5 - J, C, H
6 - RU, RH, H
ABCs for focus padwork.
The senior calls the number of the combination, first on order, then random.
Then practice chains.