Glove beat
This drill involves a normal drill, eg 6 count, but hitting the glove instead of the stick.
which isn't as easy as it sounds and take time to develop.
This functionalises your stick fighting for the street where you would it an attacker's weapon hand on the first beat.
Half beat
This involves sticking an extra strike in with the other stick in between beats of the count.
6 count goes like this:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
so stick in a half beat strike:
1 and 2, 3, 4 and 5, 6
the half beat can go anywhere in the drill
7 count drills are really just 6 counts with an extra beat.
The basic 7 count you learn at STMA is an odd LHH with the half beat after the 6th beat.
5 count is just 4 count with the extra beat after the 3 on the low line.
This now gives us expoential ways to grow 4 count to 5s and 6 counts to 7s.