A sunny day on the grass.
We started with double stick and worked sinawalli concepts and progressive drilling.
Serrada allowed us to accordian single stick and knife.
We looked at largo for knife and concepts.
We introduced the kempo combinations and sequences that are the foundation of karate, some simple drills and some advanced combinations that personify the concepts in motion.
We looked at taijutsu's long range high and low line defences, the use of the elements, and the use of front snap kick and rear stamp kick in context.
We looked at newaza, the ground phase of jujutsu, and the environmental issues of groundfighting on real ground - not mats.
Not so easy when the ground is hard - or the sun is in your eyes.
Jujutsu techniques built out of a flow sequence and the advanced concepts of how and why you sequence progression from mount to side mount to guard - as well as WHY you take the leglock when you do as well as HOW to do it.
At STMA - if you see it taught, you see it fought!