24 April · 10:00 - 16:00
As always we will work through all ranges and phases of combat, taking particular techniques and drills from particular arts to specialise on.
This course will include the following
Kali stick, double stick, and knife
Karate and kempo empty hand Street defence
Trapping range - locks
Grappling range - Sprawl and brawl, takedowns
Ground - locks and chokes
Gun defence
As always these moves will be demonstrated in real time in free play sparring, and attendees will have the opportunity to try out freeplay themselves.
As always with STMA "If you see it taught, you see it fought"
This will be an outdoor course and will involve environmental training.
We will do weapons training in the bushes and trees - the environmental training drills.
We will do more kempo and karate sequences, looking deeper into the empty hand phase - and how that relates not just to Wing Chun and Kali, but savate, thai and boxing in Street when, quite literally, the gloves are off.
We will do newaza and grapple on the ground, the real ground, the grass and dirt.
We will look further into stick lox and disarms.
I will bring my gun and we will go over gun disarm.
Kali on grass is no different from in class. However we will take the opportunity to go into the trees and do environmental drilling.
KB does not really work on grass, it is a dojo exercise, pads, sparring, workout gear, solid stable floor.
However empty hand karate and kempo works great on the grass and is a step closer to the street. We are literally training these arts in the environment and format they were developed.
Savate, Muay Thai and boxing are the first 3 phases of our KB at STMA. However without the gloves you need to functionalise your strikes for Street - that is where we go into kempo and karate - this means new techniques such as eye jabs and open hand strikes, as well as new concepts.
Jujutsu on the grass is far harder than the mat.
Throws and takedowns are particularly difficult.
However anybody who has played rugby will be used to doing the tackle and recieving tackles on grass, and while running full sprint at that.
With this is mind I will demonstrate the leg takedown and sprawl from Greco Roman, practiced as it was on grass in it's original format.
Members who want to drill this move can do so - it will be OPTIONAL.
Expect to get grass stains, grass "burns", and sore knees.
The newaza will for jujutsu format, there will be no sparring, just drilling, techniques and concepts - the value here is to feel grappling on a harder surface.
We will be bringing what has been learnt back to the dojo to build on in May.
What you see on the grass you will see in the class!