Shiro Tora Budo Kai
White Tiger Martial Arts
White Tiger Martial Arts will be looking to develop our members in the following phases this year:
5 step, 3 step, one step kumite
jiyu ippon - semi free one step
5 star and 5 star step
karate sparring no pads
we are also looking into further developing SC KB - freestyle karate ABCs and the use of light pads including forearm pads to fill in the gaps in the progressive sparring
the savate drill list is pretty much set now so members need to learn the list and start applying the ABCs in partner drills and bring it out in sparring.
during the boxing focus pad drills we will add the use of savate kicks, in particular the fouettes.
Later we will work to make specific ABCs work on pad as we do with boxing.
Wing Chun
Chi sao
A compehensive set of techniques for chi sao as partner drills then brought out in chi sao sparring
WC Self Defence
similar to kempo but worked in the trapping range
closing the gap (Chum Kil) from kick to punch to trapping range
simultaneously block and strike (lin sil de dar)
dan chi, dan chi in roll, bon lop and awase are the prime WC NRG drills.
In addition we have the mantis spring drill to fill in the gaps
hubus seq from kali
more padwork and the use of thai ABCs on focus pads including knees and elbows and defensive moves
thai partner drills
knee sparring
more boxing sparring including isolations
use of headgear for those that want to develop
regular use of the kihon and MKs so all members become familiar with these
regular practice in the list of 150 to develop your unarmed combat
now we all do groundbud, we will work to perfect the drill and add to your list of working ground techniques
mat throws:
more regular throwing practice
largo mano:
more drills in the long range, and use of the longer largo stick