Sunday 22 September 2024


With the Japanese weapons they were designed as weapons, surgical tools for dissecting and killing a person in combat

That line in Kill Bill where Hanzo describes the Sword he made, with the English subtitle translation as "something that kills people"

This specifically applies to the KATANA of course

The other weapons Yari, Naginata, Bisento, Kodachi, Tanto, Kusurikama, where all designed the same way

Even the staff weapons, Bo, Jo, Hanbo and Tanbo, were developed not just as a "broken spear" but proper red oak built and measured weapons

This applies of course to the "Samurai" kobodo, starting with the Katana

The NINJA approach, as we discussed, was different as the weapons, starting with the NINJATO sword were viewed as tools, simply made, and disposable

Shuriken were simply made and designed to literally be thrown away

The Shoge and Shuko were climbing tools that doubled as weapons

The Kunai was adapted from a digging tool and used in Onshinjutsu

When we get to the Middle countries

Filipino Kali

Thai with Krabi Krabong

Silat in Malaysia

we see weapons such as the Machete

Swords and short spears


that are tools adapted as weapons

In Okinawa the KARATE Weapons were developed from farm tool

The BO is just a simple pole

Nunchaku are rice flails

Tonfa was a handle

Kama are farm sickles

Sai was a tool

these are tools adapted to be Weapons when needed

CHINA is a bit different as they have a rich culture of proper developed weapons and systems for using them

our main interest in China is the Wing Chun weapons

the sophisticated BART CHARM DAO, the "butterfly swords"

and the more basic and direct KWANE, the "Dragon pole" , not at complex as the Shaolin pole or spear systems

So for the UNARMED Combat

KARATE flows from the KOBUDO weapons


NINJA schools take the movement from mainly the SWORD, the BO at distance and the HANBO relates to TAIJUTSU

KRABI is the basis for Unarmed Combat in THAI

KALI in Unarmed range, Panantukan - and relates to KENPO

SILAT weapons into Unarmed

WC can be seen best in the DAO, and the KWANE at the long range