Sunday 22 September 2024

 The BO - in Japan

is not the Core or Primary weapon in STMA or any of our Source schools

Some do propose that the BO is the core weapon in Kukushinden and teach it that way - this will be explained

As we know, the BO and the JO, and to some extent the HANBO, come from the broken spear

Just as we do not go into battle Unarmed, nor do we go into battle with a stick weapon - we go with a blade primarily a SWORD

Whether Samurai in Japan, Greek. Roman, Trojan warriors, or Knights in Europe including right across to England, warriors would put on armour and go into battle with swords drawn

usually they would ride horses - and Horsemanship is an Art in all cultures, riding, using the sword and the bow on horseback - then later the use of guns

Think of the Lone Ranger riding his horse Silver while firing his gun

after this you get modern vehicles and weapons

(from firing a hand gun from a car, to tanks, to flying vehicles like fighter planes and attack helicopters)

So if we look at the BO in our NINJA system, again specifically Kukushin, we learn the BO first, it's Gata and applications

- from there we learn the Gata for the YARI spear, the NAGINATA halberd, and the BISENTO

- attach a knife, double edged, to the Bo and you have a Yari

- attach a kodachi blade to a Bo and you have a Naginata

- attach a heavier machete type blade to the Bo and you have a Bisento

( the NAGIMAKI, a Jo with a Katana blade was probably never a battle weapon, most likely invited in peacetime as a variation - and not a weapon included in our NINJA Tradition )

Going the "other way" we shorten the Bo

- the Jo of course

with the Katana, which would be the battle weapon along with the Spear, we can see the reference, and we practice BO against the Katana

Once the spear breaks, the opponent, with his Sword, expects an easy victory, as you are left with "just" a broken stick - hence the need to separately develop a system for the BO and then the JO

not forgetting the BROKEN END will be pointy and sharp and still a stabbing Spear weapon

the HANBO, while a half Bo, and/or a JO with about a SHAKU cut off, is a close range weapon

it relates to the Sword in length and also the TAIJUTSU

When we look at the Kukishin DAKENTAIJUTSU we see how it relates to the Hanbo

When we look at our KALI we see how the Hanbo is the same length as the Largo Mano and the LARGO stick

With the SERRADA stick we go through the three ranges

Serrada Medio
Hubud Corto

From the Serrada stick we move out to the Largo stick, still used with one hand

The HANBO and the NINJATO, used with two hands are the next range

The KATANA comes next

Finally we get back out to BO - YARI - NAGINATA - BISENTO long range

After this is the PROJECTILE range

Shuriken - and throwing knives



then Modern weapons - handgun, rifle, then the longer ranges


BO - in Okinawa

as it comes down from China

In China there are versions of the SPEAR and some have the tassles to distract and confuse the opponent's sight

(interestingly this was not taken over to Japan, though this would seem to be an obvious NINJA tactic )

There are also heavier blades on the poles in some Kung Fu systems, more like the Bart Charm Do

With WING CHUN we have the simple KWANE pole

another interesting point is there is no Spear in WC, Yari like or otherwise, nor did the put the BCD blade onto the Pole

nor is there an "intermediate" longer Sword, like the Tai Chi sword, nor anything like a Katana, longer double handed sword

again, nobody knows why this is

We do not source Chinese Pole or Spear in STMA other than the WING CHUN KWANE

So on OKINAWA the Weapons relate to KARATE, as written above

The BO is first and Core weapon here

Okinawa is referred to by it's original name RYUKU

so we have RYUKU Kobudo and then RYUKYU KEMPO which become KARATE

each of the three port town has its own Kempo - refined into a TE system




We use the BO as the first weapon

there is no GATA in the Japanese way, there is KUMI

KUMI BO is Bo v Bo

we the add the next four weapons





and we develop the KUMI for these weapons against the Bo

specific KUMI eg Nuncha v Nuncha are added later and many are just exercises

We can also us the KUMI against the Bokken eg Tonfa or Nunch against Bokken

In Karate the Unarmed drills are KUMITE as in KUMI-TE