In 2025 we have not "added anything new" in terms of techniques or drills from any system, Art or school - at least not yet
What we are doing, at least in the first Season is cycles of what we already have in the STMA "Syllabus" which allows us to go into more depth and detail
You can find something new in Five Swords even if you have practiced in hundreds of times with dozens of partners for ten years
What we have been doing this year is covering
KENPO Concepts
JuJutsu Principles
JKD Attributes
A punch is just a punch
Karate punch, boxing punch, WC, KF, etc
when your knuckles hit his jaw bone on bone it doesn't matter what "type" of punch from what "art"
Reality Strikes
the training in whatever Art of method develops the Attributes of the punch
Speed, power, accuracy
we develop Concepts - Marriage Of Gravity, Directional Harmony, Coordination
Distance and Timing
And so it goes on as we apply Concepts, Principles and Attributes to each Phase Kicking, Punching, Trapping, Grappling - and each Weapon in each range and stage