Wednesday, 5 February 2025


The 21 Kenpo Concepts

Distance and Timing

1. Erect Posture

It allows for ease of movement and quick directional change will also keep you from leaning and over extending

JKD Definition of Agility applies here - Being light on one's feet with limberness and quickness

JKD Definition of Footwork - Putting oneself where one needs to be at all times by shuffling forward and back, sidestepping and circling

Knife sparring long range, empty-hand sparring jab only, jumping rope

2. Good Balance

- is enhanced by erect posture.

The body, as well as the joints, must be relaxed and flexible to insure good balance.

It also prevents you from leaning and over extending.

JKD Definition of balance - Correct body alignment during motion -controlling one's centre of gravity

3. Relax

- relaxing enhances good balance.

When the body is relaxed it becomes supple which allows for quick reaction when attacking or defending.

It aids greatly in the acceleration of your strikes.

4. Speed

is a primary ingredient of skill, which must be coupled with accuracy.

Although this combination takes precedence over power, speed can contribute greatly to increasing power.

JKD Definition of speed - Perception of initiation and performance of an action

5. Accuracy

supported by speed is extremely necessary to render maximum effect.

It involves two aspects - movement precision and precise targets.

Many vital areas do not require a lot of force to achieve immobility.

To insure accuracy as well as effect, proper angle is of utmost importance.

JKD Definition of accuracy - Accuracy and exactness in the projection of force - Precision

6. Angles

- the proper angles assure accuracy, body alignment and economy of motion

7. Body Alignment

- places angles into perspective.

It compels body parts to coordinate to move in one direction - or opposite directions

- angles in harmony traveling to the same target, or directly opposite targets
- maximizing your blocks or strikes, or a combination of both

The JKD Definition of Body Mechanics

Knowing how and where to position the body at all times, using no wasted motion

Training Method: Weapons training of all types - forces one to exaggerate and emphasize body mechanics

8. Back Up Mass

- is a result of proper body alignment.

When this occurs, the weight of your body positions itself in line with, and behind of the action being rendered.

9. Economy of Motion

- entails avoiding wasteful angles, and the management of strength (power) in obtaining the most of your efforts in the shortest possible time.
Makes you aware that time is crucial.

10. Timing

- is a concept that incorporates the principle of economy of motion.

In essence it is the regulation of speed and coordinated effort in synchronization with an opponents movements.

Perfecting this rhythmatic marriage makes victory more certain.

The JKD Definition of rhythm 
- Deals with faking, cadence breaks, changing tempos, etc.

- Double-stick

JKD definition of timing - Ability to launch an attack at the proper moment

- trained by knife sparring

11. Telegraphing

can be used as a form of deceptive timing to disrupt your opponent thought patterns.
It also is a form of body language, which can work against you.
This of course would depend upon your conscious or unconscious involvement.

12. Coordination

this process involves the synchronization of body (strength), mind, and breath so that they reach harmoniously and instinctively.
It often entails not one move, but a series of moves in a precise time slot.

JKD Definition of coordination - Performing a movement with efficiency, ease, and balance

- trained by Double-stick training, focus gloves, repetition of desired motion.

13. Focus

- is the concentration of mind, body, breath and strength culminating in the exact same instant when blocking or striking a specific target.

14. Power

- is the magnification of force aided by concentrated focus.

Its capacity is proportionate to the physical strength, force or energy exerted.

The JKD Definition of Power - Combination of strength and speed - ability to use your strength quickly

= Heavy bag work, isometrics, full-contact sparring

The JKD Definition of Strength - Ability to overwhelm an opponent through manipulation

15. Torque

- is a preliminary stage of focus that adds to power.

It is the utilization of rotating force to position the muscles to allow for ease of movement, extension and body flow and increased power.

These three Focus, Power and Torque relate to each other

They relate to this JKD Attribute:

 - Relaying destructiveness in a sudden manner

1. Erect Posture

2. Good Balance

3. Relax

4. Speed

5. Accuracy

6. Angles

7. Body Alignment

8. Back Up Mass

9. Economy of Motion

10. Timing

11. Telegraphing

12. Coordination

13. Focus

14. Power

15. Torque

16. Body Momentum

17. Marriage of Gravity

18. Penetration

19. Transition

20. Distance

21. Cover

JKD Attribute training not already specifically covered in KENPO Concepts



Proper Mental Attitude









1. Awareness

To see the opponent's intentions

- Knife "sparring" - knife at largo range
- isolation sparring

2. Sensitivity

To feel the opponent's intentions

- Hubud, Chi Sao

- also applies to Connection in Newaza

- knife at sombrada range

3. Proper Mental Attitude

calmness, confidence, and Killer Instinct

Full-contact training - not sparring
use of with abusive language
use of vivid imagery during training


Putting oneself where one needs to be at all times by shuffling forward and back, sidestepping and circling.

- Knife sparring (long range), empty-hand sparring (jab only), jumping rope


Being light on one's feet with limberness and quickness.

- knife sparring


Deals with faking, cadence breaks, changing tempos, etc.

- Double-sticks


Relaying destructiveness in a sudden manner.


Combination of awareness and sensitivity; uninterrupted concentration.

Stick training sombrada counter drills

Progressive Sparring - 16 phases

1. lead jab only
2. lead hand only
3. lead hand and kick only

4. lead hand and kick v boxing
5. lead hand and kick v kickboxing
6. lead hand and kick v kicks only

7. jab v cross

8. boxing both

JKD in STMA Progression

1. Entering

2. Stop Hits

3. Interception

4. Destructions - to close the gap safely

5. Straight Blast

6. HKE - Headbutts, Knees, Elbows

7. Trapping

8. Low line kicking

9. Eye jabs

10. Groin slaps

11. Boxing

12. Groundfighting

The 32 Jiu Jitsu Principles

Position - Transition - Submission

The APEX Principles - Efficiency


Principle 1: Connection

Principle 2: Detachment

Principle 3: Distance

Principle 4: Pyramid