Friday 15 January 2010

kit order

All members are required to have the basic kit for training, which means the starter pack of gloves and stix.

If you already have your own gloves, you still need stix.

Also consider the recommended list for things you don't have but might want to get into.

Do you have the "uniform" of boxing boots and and gi pants?
Or are you still making do with trainers and track pants?

Do you have a judo gi for grappling work?

Do you want to get into more sparring with shinguards and a groinguard?

Do you want harder contact sparring so will want boxing gloves, gumshield and headgear?
Perhaps you like the grill headgear that Ren and I use?

Do you want more weapons? Sword, jo, bo? Nuncha, tonfa? Shinai? And are your stix coming up for replacement yet?

We recommend everybody gets their own focus pads. Do you have yours?
Do you want your own kick shield and/or Thai pads?

Get your orders in and make sure you ae fully equipped!