Monday 17 July 2023


We have also added to the SILAT thread in Advance of the Autumn Season

Rather than confuse things, or make the new Members think they have even more to cover than they first thought, this is to add clarity, as it is part of what we do anyway

This year we added the Silat Entries, with the strikes and TD, to our current practice with the WC/JF and Kali entries - you all know that worked out well and added some new drills without being confusing

The new post refers to the HARIMAU style of Silat, the TIGER style

I have mentioned before the similarities between NINJA methods found in some Kali and Silat systems, and Harimau is the Silat style that personifies this the most

During our NINPO and JJ training, we can reference a Harimau technique or method, similar to how a Wing Chun trap can be seen inside a Kempo set

With the Kali knife development, part of our regular Close Range practice, we always talk about the NINJA use of knives both at Projectile Throwing range, and at Close Range, standing and on the Ground

The Karambit, the tiger claw knife, is the Silat weapon that most compliments these strategies



Putih Harimau is the translation of White Tiger into Malay

Harimau, the Tiger style of Silat

has moves that resemble the technique and philosophy of the Tiger

Silat Harimau has agile techniques and beautiful movements, like Taihenjutsu

As with Ninpo, behind these techniques and movements, there are various deadly attacks that are applied to immobilize the enemy very quickly

like Koppojutsu - painful, renders the opponent unable to move, and cannot fight back.

Silat Harimau also uses claws as a weapon to attack his opponent, like SHAKO

The KARAMBIT is taken from this style and is the most familiar Close Combat weapon

The claws aim at the neck, face and vital parts of the opponent. This method does not exist in other Pencak silat

Along with TIGER as we inherit it from KUNGU FU into KEMPO, the Tiger of KOTO Ryu

The parallels between Silat and Kali have been discussed and written about

As mentioned, this style of Silat is similar to NINJUTSU and our main area of interest

There were no NINJA as such in those parts, though we find Warrior Groups that were similar in both techniques, methods, tactics, strategy, and philosophy

The warrior Pendekar Haji Asraf was a master of Harimau and he lead a band of rebels against the Dutch in Indonesia during the 18th century.

Pendekar Asraf's ferocity and expertise in battle earned him a title from his adversaries. The Dutch called him ‘Macan’ meaning tiger, however due to his faith, his people changed the title to Harimau Berantai which means ‘chained tiger’. This meant a warrior chained down to earth by his virtue. The chain signified the degree of self control and religious faith.

Pendekar Kiyai Haji Asraf later furthered the Harimau Berantai name when he led a rebel group of pesilats to carry out covert operations on Dutch military camps. In time his entire clan would become known as Harimau Berantai and subsequently the silat they practiced.

This Clan was a lot like a NINJA clan such as Iga Ryu or Koga Ryu for the reasons discussed

In this Method, the primary target is to neutralize the main threat which is the weapon-arm of the enemy.

This is like the defang in Kali and the "Blocks" in Gyokko and Koto Ryu

Kill zones such as the neck, torso and major arteries are secondary targets in Harimau Berantai

- the emphasis is not so much on the damage that can be done as much as the repair that can be salvaged once an injury has occurred, whether it be on your enemy or one's self

This philosophy within this combative system is the belief that violent circumstances occur, but this does not justify the taking of a life if it can be avoided

Again, we see in the NINJA Ryu the concept of not taking life unless necessary

The clothes used for Silat Harimau are black clothes which are better known as "endong" or "galembong".

This black itself has the meaning of "tahan tapo" resistant to exposure

Silat clothes are made loose on the thighs to make it easier for movements to be more flexible and agile.

Movements such as jumping and there are some acrobatic movements, a lot like Taihenjutsu and ShihoTenChiTobi

The Silat uniform is a lot like the Shinobi Shizoku Ninja uniform and Ninpo training Gi

The Karambit weapon of Silat Harimau is a small hand-held knife shaped like a tiger's claw

The western world calls it Karambit and in Indonesia it is called Kerambit / Karambiak

Karambit is the original weapon of the Minangkabau people

Karambit is dangerous because it can be used to slash or tear the opponent's limbs quickly and undetected

Karambit is deliberately designed to be more curved like a tiger's claw, after seeing a tiger fight with its claws


With two new Members signed up and kitted up we can go into the Autumn Season from September onwards with a return to Phase One

Phase One covers the first four belts red, yellow, orange and green

As well as the "syllabus" for new Members, it allows the Black Belts to review all their basic drills

eg when Ice and Joker do sticks, they cover things like six count concepts, matrix 8 ,etc - when do they ever go over 2 count and 4 count together

Black Belts will still cover these advanced drills together of course, and this applies to all Stages, Kempo, JJ, KB, etc

Phase one drills:


2, 4, 6, 8
Serrada 3 count stick and knife
Hubud knife
Largo knife


Bon lop
Chi sao

Hubud is most important as it links, stick, knife and Hand, and then CRA


Tebuki - start with Kote Gaeshi
Hiji - start with Ikkyo
Shime - start with Sleeper

obviously, we then build the set of 5 wrist, 5, elbow 5 choke over time, add dumog, build the rest of the series, sweeps, HKE, etc


NINPO Kihon Happo


There will still be the usual Kempo sets and Koppo sets, we just make sure we cover the Foundation stuff, whether new Member or BB - as well as Trapping, WC sets, Entries, that we cover in the usual Cycles

JJ Combatives

Ground Bud - starting with Monkey Pint Escape

Once we have the Groundbud drill, as we call it, we add to it as we go along


Focus pads - starting with Box Set One

ABC drills

Box Def sets

- step - slip - parry - bob weave - roll - blocks and covers

Karate Blocks

- forearm to forearm
- forearm to shin
- shin to shin

Impact we go into Thai pads and Shield

SPARRING we build up in drills one stage at a time - as you know

Even experienced Black Belts, reading that list, can be surprised to realise how much we actually cover on Phase One, and that forms part of our ongoing practice

Once Monday August Camp is completed, this will all start from first Monday in September



Hajutsu Kyuho ( nine grab escapes & breaking out methods)

1.TEHODOKI (Escape from hand grabs)

2.TAIHODOKI (Escapes from body grabs)

3.OYA GOROSHI (Kill the parent)

4.KO GOROSHI (Kill the child)

5.KOSHI KUDAKI (Hip break)

6.HAPPO KERI (Eight ways of kicking)

7.KERI KUDAKI (Destroying the kick)

8.KEN KUDAKI (Destroy the fist)

9.HENKA KUDAKI (Variations of the destroyer)

Gyaku Waza (reversal techniques)

OMOTE TAKE ORI (Bamboo break, Outer)

URA TAKE ORI (Bamboo break, Inner)

OMOTE GYAKU (Outside reverse)

URA GYAKU (Inner reverse)

HON GYAKU (Principle reverse)

OMOTE ONI KUDAKI (Outer demon destroyer)

URA ONI KUDAKI (Inner demon destroyer)

MUSHA DORI (Capture the Warrior)

MUSO DORI (Capture a strong man)

O GYAKU (Big reverse)

Nage Waza (throwing techniques)

GANSEKI NAGE (Throwing a rock)

Henka:Ganseki Otoshi -

Ganseki Ori -

HARAI GOSHI (Sweeping the waist)

GYAKU NAGE (Reverse throw)

TAKI OTOSHI (Water fall drop)

OSOTO GAKE (Big outside trap)

UCHIMATA UCHI GAKE (Inside thigh trap)

HANE GOSHI NAGE (Jump up waist throw)

RYU SUI IKI (Going with the flow of the water)

1. TOMOE NAGE (Stomach throw)

2. YOKO NAGARE (Sideways flow)

3. TEMAKURA (Hand pillow)


5. ITAMI NAGE (Painful throw)

Shime Waza (choking techniques)

HON JIME (Principle Choke)

GYAKU JIME (Reverse Choke)

ITAMI JIME (Painful Choke)

SANKAKU JIME (Three corners choke)

DO JIME (Body choke)


SANTO TONKO NO KATA (Practice form of the Escaping rat)

From Togakure Ryu

the use of Metsubushi, Senban Shuriken and Go-ton tongi escape methods of the five elements 
(chi,sui,ka,fu and ku)

The character 'San' is written as meaning 'mouse' or 'rat' but can also have the meaning of 'to fight'

'Ton' can be understood to mean 'to leap' or 'to leap and run' rather than the more literal translation 
of 'to escape'

The meaning of these forms can be thought of as 'to fight by leaping and running'

MIGI KATA UDE TONSOU GATA (Right Single-Arm Escape Pattern)

HIDARI KATA UDE TONSOU GATA (Left Single-Arm Escape Form)

MIGI TEKUBI SUZI TONSOU GATA (Right Hand Nape Escape Pattern)

ATE KOMI TONSOU GATA (Striking - In Escape Pattern)

KOTO UCHI TONSOU GATA (Hand Strike Escape Pattern)

MIGI UCHI TONSOU GATA (Right Strike Escape Pattern)

SAGU KUMOGAKURE NO KATA (Left-Right Cloud Hiding Pattern)

KOUSEI KIRIGAKURE GATA (Offensive Mist Hiding Pattern)

HAPPO KIRIGAKURENOKATA (Disappearing into the fog in all directions)


At STMA we have worked the Ryuha in this order

Gyokko Ryu

Koto Ryu

Shinden Fudo Ryu Daken

Kukkishin Daken

Kukkishin weapons

We have covered some of, and still need to go further into

Togakure Taijutsu

Togakure Weapons

Shinden Fudo Jutaijutsu

Takagi Yoshi Ryu Jutaijutsu


List of Shoden Ura Gata, basic transmission inner techniques

Ate komi no kata

Eri Jime no kata

Gyaku Dori no kata, Do gaeshi henka

Gyaku Dori no kata

Hiki Komi no kata

Hiki Taoshi no kata

Katamune Dori no kata

Kaygo Kudaki no kata

Keri Komi no kata (Ken Nagashi henka)

Keri Komi no kata

Menbu no kata (Karame dori)

Menbu no kata

Nagashi no kata

Ryo Ashi dori no kata (2)

Ryo Ashi Dori no kata

Ryomune Dori no kata

Tengu Dori no kata

Tsuki taoshi no kata

Ude Ori no kata, (Hiza Guruma henka)

Ude Ori no kata, (Ransho henka)

With JUDO we have discussed and written about how it was sourced from the older schools of Jujutsu,
 the primary two being


Kodokan JUJUTSU was refined into Kodokan JUDO

70 Nage throws - Tachi standing
30 Newaza ground

With AIKIDO, as it forced from AIKIJUTSU, the primary source was the DAITO RYU

When AIKIDO was formed, and was supposed to look and be presented as a new Art, so could not
have any Judo type throws or Newaza in it

The Aikido syllabus, therefore starts with the Five Immobilisations, wrist and elbow locks to the five
Ground Pins, then moves on to Projections

While there are many throws from Kito Ryu as well as Daito Ryu practiced, they were not included into
the AIKIDO syllabus

TOMIKI Aikido revises a new system, starting with the 17 Randori

GRACIE Jujutsu, revised from Kodokan, starts with NEWAZA, a new combative listing and works it's
 progression the other way

As NINPO and NINJUTSU systems were never refined into Modern Do "ways" with modern syllabus,
we still work them from the DENSHO scrolls, with the 3 levels, or four in some cases

The closest is the TENCHIJIN book as discussed

Shinden Fudo Ryu JuTaiJutsu was the first system Takamatsu Sensei, as the young Jutaro as he was
 called, learned at the TODA Dojo

This Jujutsu is an older Combat version of the Art, both in TACHI and NEWAZA

When paired in practice with JUDO gokyo, the 67, and Newaza, and then with JJ Combatives, it creates
 an eclectic practice

This what we have covered over the Summer, on Mats and on Grass, and will continue to refine over the
Autumn Season

It is similar to the "JKD" model where Kali, Wing Chun and Jun Fan, then adding Silat, in the Trapping
 and NRG Range and practice work together

It is possible to go off into a system or Art eg Wing Chun and work through it in more detail, or just stick
 to the Core practice

EG in KEMPO JUTSU, we have all the 156 striking Methods from KEMPO/KENPO

to properly study KENPO KARATE, you go off into the System, cover the 24 techniques in proper order on
each belt level, add the extensions, go over the Forms, including 7 and 8 which are stick and knives
 methods not included elsewhere in the System, cover the Club and Staff Set, the Hand sets, and you
 have the whole system

For Kenpo Jujutsu you just need the Core striking methods, the go into the Jujutsu flow for throws,
chokes and locks, then newaza

KOTO Ryu KOPPO Jutsu was the second system that Jutaro learned at the Toda Dojo

As we have covered this Ryu in depth, all four Scrolls, we can match this with our KARATE Kumite

We also compare the DAKENTAIJUTSU of KUKISHIN, all four scrolls of which we have worked on, as well
 at the DAKENTAI of Shinden Fudo itself, 3 scrolls, the Chudan scoll being Newaza, Handachi and
Newaza Mutodori

Jutaro learned Shinden Jujutsu and Koto in his pre teen years - this is similar to the modern practice of
 junior classes in Karate and Judo

When one has their Black Belt in both Karate and Judo, they can continue through their adult years to
 earn Dan Grades - this is similar to learning the higher scrolls later

Jutaro started his TOGAKURE NINPO from his teenage years - as well at the Taijutsu he learned the
 NINPO Biken Sword

Jutato's later studies with ISHITANI were on the

KUKISHINDEN Dakentaijutsu and Weapon systems
Takagi Yoshin Jutaijutsu
Gikan Ryu Koppo - which was a lot like KOTO Ryu

Ishitani was a NINJA and also taught JUTARO methods of Onshinjutsu that he learned from the Hakuun Ryu,
 which complement the NINJA methods in Togakure Ryu

For our mat "JUDO" we do not practice all 70 throws, we do examine them, we just use the ones that
are relevant

we cover the STANDING series on the JJ Combatives

by looking at the Shinden list of JJ, in particular example Jinchu Nage where we Kikaku Ken headbutt
before O Soto or Koshi Nage throw, we extend and enrich our practice

We have the JJ Combatives and Advanced series on the GROUND

we look at Judo Newaza, the pins, locks and chokes

by looking at the four Newaza/Suwari of Shinden, we expand our understanding and options

Later in the Season we will look at Session where we do the sam in KARATE range:

Karate KUMITE - Kihon and Jiyi Ippon, the 3 and 5 step

Koto Ryu Koppo Jutsu

Kempo 5 star and 5 step

Kukishin Daken "block" series into Terminate


First post in this thread was Summer 2009, which refers to the STMA Gun Disarm

There is only ONE gun disarm we practice from the holdup position because we only need one - and it is

We don't want to log jam somebody who faces this situation - you need ONE response to this threat that
you have drilled so many times it is second nature.

You do not want options or choices you want ONE response that SAVES YOUR LIFE!

The scenario here is the attacker is standing in front of you holding the gun at your face or chest.
You put your hands up, and he approaches. He is not shooting. This is most likely in a robbery situation.

This scenario is based on REAL gun defence situations.

It is not imagined or assumed.

The second post, added five years later in 2014 lists the KENPO ROD series, which we added at that time:

The American Karate Masters, including Military Officers and Police Officers have developed "Rod"
techniques, effective gun defences

In Class, when teaching the BASE GD, we show Delayed Sword which every Kenpo and Karate Yellow Belt
knows, and Kote Gaeshi, which every Jujutsu and Aikido Yellow Belt knows, and how the STMA BASE
Gun Def is based on these two basic techniques which are drilled into you over the years, an instinctive
reflex response you can do under pressure

And remember

- the gun itself is not the threat, it is the bullet that comes from the gun, so we are defencing Angle #5

- if the gun goes off, as it is likely to, it is loud and shocking, and make sure it is pointing away from you

You may wonder, reading the 2009 post about the BASE Gun Def THE ONE THAT WORKS being the
 only one we practice, why did I add the four ROD post - and if so, as this makes now a list of five
techniques, why not revise the wording of the original post

Reason is that the STMA Base Gun Disarm, as we call it, is the one that comes from our REAL history,
 and the one we used in our program and taught to everyone for those years, 2009 being the end of
that Decade, and when the STMA school was founded

As we expanded the practice of STMA, adding lists of techniques and drills from our Source arts, including
KENPO, we listed the ROD techniques here, as they appear at the end of Long Form Six, and as they are
taught in the KENPO systems round the World

So while the STMA Base GD, the One That Works, is the foundation of that practice, the four Kenpo Rod
 techniques build on that and give you further options

The main point of the Gun Defence is we hope you never need to use it - this gives you a survival option
 if you ever do

In my case, at least one Bouncer in Croydon was shot on the door of his Club, at that range -
being a Bouncer in Croydon, back in those days, I needed a method to make sure myself and my team
were prepared for that situation - and that is what the Base technique give us, and what the Kenpo Rod
Series expands on



Here is the GUN thread

First post was Summer 2009, which refers to the STMA Gun Disarm:

There is only ONE gun disarm we practice from the holdup position because we only need one -

We don't want to log jam somebody who faces this situation - you need ONE response to this threat that
you have drilled so many times it is second nature.

You do not want options or choices you want ONE response that SAVES YOUR LIFE!

The scenario here is the attacker is standing in front of you holding the gun at your face or chest.
You put your hands up, and he approaches. He is not shooting. This is most likely in a robbery situation.

This scenario is based on REAL gun defence situations.
It is not imagined or assumed.

The second post, added five years later in 2014 lists the KENPO ROD series, which we added at that time,
as I described last night:

The American Karate Masters, including Military Officers and Police Officers have developed
"Rod" techniques, effective gun defences

We showed Delayed Sword which every Kenpo and Karate Yellow Belt knows, and Kote Gaeshi, which
 every Jujutsu and Aikido Yellow Belt knows, and how the STMA Gun Def is based on these two basic
techniques which are drilled into you over the years, an instinctive reflex response you can do under

And remember

- the gun itself is not the threat, it is the bullet that comes from the gun, so we are defencing Angle #5

- if the gun goes off, as it is likely to, it is loud and shocking, and make sure it is pointing away from you

You may wonder, reading the 2009 post about the ONE THAT WORKS being the only one we practice,
 why did I add the ROD post - and if so, as this makes a list of five techniques, why not revise the
wording of the original post

Reason is that the STMA Gun Disarm, as we call it, is the one that comes from our REAL history,
 and the one we used in our program and taught to everyone for those years, 2009 being the
 end of that Decade when the STMA school was founded

As we expanded the practice of STMA, adding lists of techniques and drills from our Source arts,
 including KENPO, we listed the ROD techniques here, as they appear at the end of Long Form Six,
 and as they are taught in the KENPO systems round the World

So while the STMA GD, the One That Works, is the foundation of that practice, the four Kenpo Rod
techniques build on that and give you further options

The main point of the Gun Defence is we hope you never need to use it - this gives you a survival option
if you ever do

In my case, at least one Bouncer in Croydon was shot on the door of his Club, at that range -
being a Bouncer in Croydon, back in those days, I needed a method to make sure myself and my
team were prepared for that situation - and that is what the Base techniques give us



Junan Taiso, the Ninja's body conditioning method

JUNAN UNDO NO GATA “Ten lucky warm-up methods”


(Body movement receiving forms) Taihenjutsu (Body movement technique) includes both defensive
and offensive actions. The most important idea concerning the execution of these techniques is that
each part of the movement must be smoothly executed and each part connected from one to the other:
the whole technique should never have a moment of interruption. Some of the movements are primers
for higher techniques such as Sabaki Kata (To make swift dodge) and Moguri Kata (Submerging forms).
 Ninpo Taijutsu includes movements and techniques which will make you 'disappear', avoid attacks,
or run away from your enemy. Some people believe that these actions are cowardly. But it should be
realized that these evasive techniques are very necessary techniques for all martial artists.
One might want to change the expression from 'running away' to 'running away by kicking back'.

Master Takamatsu had a witty technique. It is described by this analogy; ‘A wild Boar is chasing a
Monkey fiercely. The Monkey suddenly jumps aside rolling on the ground. The Boar is so upset that
he can not see what is happening ahead, and therefore keeps on running.. The Monkey is now sitting
 under a shaded tree, mocking the Boar. What is ahead is a deep valley, and as the Boar enters it,
 the Monkey disappears'. How do you interpret this analogy?
Can't we say that the Monkey had a strategy? This strategy is called wit!

Ukemi Kaiten

Shiho Tenchi Tobi

Shoten no Jutsu (Running to the heavens)

Hoko Jutsu (art of walking/running)

Soku Shin So Soku Ho - Sideways running

Hyo Jo Ho Ko - Running on slick surfaces

Mu On No Ho - Silent running

DAKEN KIHON (Basic strikes)

Tsuki Migi / Hidari Punch Right / Left

Keri (Mae, Yoko, Ushiro) - Migi / Hidari Kick (front, side, back) Right / Left

UKE NO KATA (Receiving forms)

Jodan Uke (Upper level block) Ura / Omote, Migi / Hidari (Inner / Outer, Right / Left)
Gedan Uke (Lower level block) Ura / Omote, Migi / Hidari (Inner / Outer, Right / Left)



This is a comprehensive manual on Unarmed Combat and Self Defence, and has been taught by the TODA
family as part of the Togakure Ryu going back several generations

Togakure is not meant to be a standalone school, it is taught after GYOKKO and KOTO so the skill sets builds

So as well as the basic Togakure Taijutsu scroll listed, the rest of the Unarmed Combat program is the
techniques and sets drawn and listed on the TenChiJin thread

The separate unique TOGAKURE gata listed here are what make it specifically NINJA

With TOGAKURE we tend to cover it as we go, and have done so over the last few years

The structure can seem bewildering to Students, though it makes sense when put alongside GYOKKO
and KOTO Ryu and when put into context

As an attempt to simplify, along with our recent addition of the practice

GOTONPO - the Five Elements of Escape and Evasion - Earth, Water, Fire, Wood, Metal - digging holes,
 silent swimming, camouflage, fire diversion, climbing trees, use foliage for cover and movement

BIKENJUTSU - Sword - the primary weapon - the NINJA sword used the NINJA way

TAIJUTSU - Unarmed Combat

MUTODORI - the highest scroll in KOTO and GYOKKO deal with this - Unarmed defence against a Sword
- the TOGAKURE takes it further to make it NINJA

- the climbing tool then used as a weapon when meeting armed guards - this applies to the other tools
Kunai, Grappling hook, etc

GAESHI GATA - Ground rolling Ukemi escapes and climbing to higher ground
- the higher levels then include throwing SHURIKEN, throwing the Sword
- then the Sensory Perception techniques, which peak with the SAKKI ability ie "Fifth Dan test"

SANTO TONKO GATA - multiple enemies with swords circling, attempt to arrest or stop you
- metsubishi and shuriken

Rather than done during day on Grass or a lit dojo, these are done in low light, during twilight or
 night time so they make ore sense in context - this is the NINJA night time art, not the daytime Samurai
 battlefield art
- Urban combat methods done at night

Taijutsu Ichimonji is done slightly different from KOTO and GYOKKO
- it is more sideways to make a difficult target for Projectiles, not presenting a facing square target
- it is lower to the ground to make rolling quicker and easier - a smaller, lower, moving target

NINJA tools
- the NINJATO shorter sword
- Shuriken, Shuko, Shoge, Kunai, Shindake - the Treasures
- Metsubishi

The TAIJUTSU is proper Self Defence Combat, designed to nullify the attack to facilitate escape

The SWORD is the only full Combat area of training for when the weapon has to be drawn to engage the
enemy - so specific drills for that weapon to be used against the Samurai Katana

So when we look at GYOKKO and KOTO, as they were handed down in the TODA family with TOGAKURE,
we see where it fits in, and how the NINJA skills are drilled and needed

Looking at SHINDEN FUDO, which is also handed down in the TODA line - we see the battlefield origins
 and uses, the Natural stances and movements being non telegraphic, and how it was originated in
armour, and can still be practiced well if in armour

Looking at KUKISHINDEN, which comes to us from ISHITANI, as well as the DAKENTAIJUTSU,
the full Weapons program, Katana so full long sword, Bo, Hanbo, Jo, and then spears -
 a full battlefield system

So NINJA would only take some of the battlefield methods into what they needed on a mission

Night time infiltration would only need combat skills if discovered and needed to defend, kill, and escape
 - so this is where the NINJA skill of Togakure fit in

A NINJA, discovered on a mission, had to use his climbing tools to fight - when he got home
 and reviewed the mission, there was a need to improve the ONSHINJUTSU and also a need to drill and
improve the MUTO with the "improvised" weapons, which is where the training and development started


Our revision of KUKISHIN DAKEN went well, and we matched that with the relevant Weapons,
including the SEITEI work on Jo v Bokken

We were able to revisit the SHINDEN FUDO DAKEN as well

Though there is a YOROI armour development in this Ryuha, it is primarily a SIZEN Natural school
- with the Kukishin, based on Armour, it pairs well with our development on JUDO, in that the
 Kodakan Jujutsu Ryuha were mainly two schools, one Armour, one Shizen

That being the case, over the Summer we can look again at the STMA JUDO RANDORI and
revisit the first Scroll of Shinden Fudo Jutaijutsu, the Grappling system

We always refer to "blow before throw" in our Combat Jujutsu

We have recently covered Te Hodoki hand releases - which gets you out of the Grab and back to striking

We have looked at Happo Keri, the 8 kicks done at grab range to the low line

We constantly reference HKE at Trapping range

So on the mat, and later on the Grass, we can cover these sets of Waza and Gata as they
fill out our practice

We have been revising

- the Aikijutsu pins from the 5 immobilisations

- the Judo Newaza, pins, locks and chokes, from the throws to side position

- the 36 JJ Combatives

- the Silat Entry TD

- the KEMPO TD to Ground finish

so this will be the next stage this year to fill out what we are building

The JUDO NAGE thread: