Wednesday 30 March 2011

Kit order

As the new members are ordering their kit it is a chance for existing members to update any kit that is wearing out such as stix, and acquire any kit they do not have from the suggested list.

Suggestions this time:

everyone has gi so why not complete your uniform with box boots and kf pants.
The pants are better and cheaper than track pants and are cuffed to create better movement than normal gi pants.
The boots are better and cheaper than trainers and have soft light soles for movement and sparring.

get at least a wooden knife - or you could get 2 for double daga work
I personally also use a metal training knife as it adds that touch of realism.

if you want to take your boxing to the next level you need the grill headgear that Tank and I wear. This is totally optional but if you want to go hard in boxing then headgear is a must.

Do you have a gumshield?
They are worth having for boxing and some people like to wear them on mat day in grappling "just in case".

Bag gloves:
I personally use the light bag gloves for impact work and the box gloves just for sparring. It is worth investing in bag gloves as it gives a more realistic feel with less padding - also the bag gloves will wear out quicker than the spar gloves.
You can also do light sparring in the semi contact style with them.

Focus pads:
Do you have your own focus pads for boxing, kb and savate impact yet? Well worth having.

Boxing rope:
the best way to get the footwork right. Though we don't do much skipping in class I can show you drills you can practice away from class so your footwork gets better each week.
If you have a rope, or are getting one, by all means bring it to class and skip during the warm up.

boxing gloves £20 and pair of sticks £15

the essential kit that every STMA member must have.

It is worth checking to see what condition your own kit is in and replace anything that is getting worn out.
Is that stick likely to break in the next couple of weeks? Get a replacement ready!

Also have you got all your "secondary" kit yet.
This kit is not essential, but is recommended:

Shinguards £10
FC full face £30
FC full face with detachable grill £30
training knife - wood £5, aluminium £8
Bag gloves for impact and light sparring £15
Gumshield £1.50
Judo gi £30
Groin guard £10
Focus mitts £20
Kung fu pants or gi pants £10
Boxing boots £30
Thai pads £50 a pair