Whether hiding or moving,
inton or goton,
concealment or escape,
follow the "S" code
There are 8 points here - which could be considered the kihon happo of Onshinjutsu
Spacing - the space between you and the enemy, what they can see. Are you working alone, is the enemy, are you in a group, is the enemy? Move apart, not in formation, not at the same time - have no pattern that can be noticed
Surface - camoflague
Stealth - does your movement match the background noise? footsteps, vehicles, wind in the trees? Are you making "natural" sounds? Do you sound like water, the wind, an animal moving - or do you sound like a person? Avoid unnecessary movement.
Shape - does your shape look like a person, have you broken up your outline to look like you are part of the environment?
Shadow - the opponent cannot see you, but where is the light - are you casting a shadow on the ground or wall or tree? And does the shadow give away your shape? And would they see the shadow move even if you are concealed from direct sight?
Sillouette - are you so dark you make a dark shape that stands out?
Shine - anything metal reflective? Does the moving light catch your eyes and make them glint? Do not look directly at the enemy you are avoiding
Silence - are you moving silently? Or if concealed sitting silently? Can the enemy hear your breathing?
inton or goton,
concealment or escape,
follow the "S" code
There are 8 points here - which could be considered the kihon happo of Onshinjutsu
Spacing - the space between you and the enemy, what they can see. Are you working alone, is the enemy, are you in a group, is the enemy? Move apart, not in formation, not at the same time - have no pattern that can be noticed
Surface - camoflague
Stealth - does your movement match the background noise? footsteps, vehicles, wind in the trees? Are you making "natural" sounds? Do you sound like water, the wind, an animal moving - or do you sound like a person? Avoid unnecessary movement.
Shape - does your shape look like a person, have you broken up your outline to look like you are part of the environment?
Shadow - the opponent cannot see you, but where is the light - are you casting a shadow on the ground or wall or tree? And does the shadow give away your shape? And would they see the shadow move even if you are concealed from direct sight?
Sillouette - are you so dark you make a dark shape that stands out?
Shine - anything metal reflective? Does the moving light catch your eyes and make them glint? Do not look directly at the enemy you are avoiding
Silence - are you moving silently? Or if concealed sitting silently? Can the enemy hear your breathing?