Wednesday, 18 September 2013

New syllabus for new members

Traditionally we started everyone with Kali, single stick, double stick

We will do single stick largo serrada until their own stix turn up as usual - however we will start them with the krabi drills ...
8 step
5 step
then sinawalli 2 and 4
then krabi single stick 8 step
then 6 count

they will also get to do krabi drill against boken and jo, giving them a much fuller stickfighting system earlier on, as well as encouraging them to get the longer weapons early

krabi also relates directly to muay thai so we can have them doing thai punching and kicking as well as knees and elbows very early, leaving the more complex boxing, savate and karate drills til later

apart from, of course, the most basic karate step drill, 10, 5, 3 and star, which they will learn quickly and practice regularly

we will also streamline the waza of kempo, CRA lox and chokes and newaza, so they work a techniques and learn it before moving onto the next one

The same applies to the kickboxing phase at the end, after learning the basic sets as padwork, then a partner drill, we progress them to sparring both boxing and kickboxing