Friday 23 September 2022

STMA Phase One


When new members have ordered their kit it's the point where we get them to start using it and get them to red belt and then on through Phase One

2, 4, chain

3 count Sombrada and hubud with stick and knife
Largo knife

Focus pads
Box set one

Savate Set One - 10 waza
Sparring freestyle



Kihon Happo

KEMPO KF set 10 waza

PHASE ONE continued

Once the first of the above drills is in place for each Pillar, we add in the next sets

8 count

Sombrada 5 count stick and knife

Focus pads
Box set 2, 3, etc

Thai pads
Set one and two

Hubud - 5 drills
Bon Lop
Chi sao - Luk Sao

Five locks
Five chokes

MK set - 10 waza
3O set

Submission concept - straight arm, bent arm, choke - in all positions - Mount, Guard, Side

Shoot, clinch, TD

This is just progression of the next material on the "Syllabus" that new Members will cover and Seniors will revise - some Seniors will realise "we did that recently" as well as "we haven't done that for a while" - which is why it is important to go back to breakdown and revise the basics and what is built directly on them

That is not two say new Members will not join in with the progressive training as it goes on

KOPPO sets
Savate sets
Newaza progression FD and RD

it is just that we will make sure they cover and have learnt the techniques as they are listed on the "boards"

There is no actual set "syllabus", nor are there a set list of techniques someone has to learn for a "grading" for the next belt - this is just a way to make sure everything is covered in the right order

- eg sticks 2,4, then 2,4 chain, then six count, then 8, etc
- it should be obvious why we don't start new people on 9 count, or why 5, 7 is not their first chain


Last week, being third week October, we covered KF series including Delayed Sword, Alternating Maces, etc - we then had the new Members practice these together to get some flight time, while the Seniors moved on the 4P series including rear grabs, wristlock and it's escape, juji nage - there would have been no point Members on their second lesson trying these intermediate advanced sets while the Brown and Black Belts benefitted from the application and progression


Those of you who are looking to teach your own Class someday will use these Progressions when you sign up your own Members - that is the point where you would need an agreed syllabus and training plan to work from - it is also something we lay the foundations for when you experience new Members joining your current club

This is why we have the Instructor Titles for the Seniors:

Senior Member Sempai

1st Dan
Apprentice Instructor

2nd Dan
Assistant Instructor

3rd Dan Sensei
Associate Instructor

4th Dan Renshi
Full Instructor