Friday 4 December 2009

Boxers - to be a boxer at STMA

To be a boxer here all you need is the boxing gear.
(sounds like a poem)

But seriously, all you need so is acquire the boxing gloves, headgear and gumshield and you will be able to join in the "boxing bit" which involves the line and corner drill, the defence and counter drills, and the sparring.

This is a bit different from freestyle sparring in general as it just uses hands and pretty much just punches to the head, with body blows being secondary. So as with ABA and BBBC standard, we need proper PPE to do this phase of the training.

It is not vital to do the "boxing bit" and all members will learn the boxing phase, the padwork and the FC structure of KB. And of course the functionalisation for the street combat.
But to do actual boxing you need the proper kit.

You cannot do boxing with bag gloves, SC gloves of MMA gloves. You need boxing gloves.

This will be a seperately drilled part of the class from the main group, and part of the regular training.