Tuesday 8 December 2009

Sparring Rules

1. Sparring standard uses the Semi Contact Kickboxing-Freestyle Karate format and structure. This means touch contact with kicks and punches to the body and pull all head shots. No kicks below belt or to legs - that is for lo kix and Thai structure sparring.

2. Sparring in Full Contact structure allows head shots with contact. You ONLY make head contact if your partner is wearing the proper gear - headguard and gumshield. You ONLY punch to the head if you are wearing boxing gloves.

3. Training partners agree level of contact. ONLY go above touch contact if both parties agree.

4. NEVER catch an opponent's foot. If you haven't blocked or evaded his kick it stands as a score. Because he has pulled it you have not been hit hard. DO NOT catch his foot. You would not be able to do this if the kick had been full power.

5. Acknowledge when a hit lands. You can say "oss" or "touche", but do acknowledge it. Don't just carry on falling way after your partner has landed a kick or punch you failed to block or evade.