Sunday 11 August 2024

STMA Summer Camp 2024

May last year we posted about Summer Mon circle training

Trained in the Circle as the sun went down, some cloud cover above meant the usual sunset over the trees

Moved to big field under a huge full moon, minimal clouds, and moonlight right across the grass

Sunset Warriors

Moonlight Shadow Warriors

This was the best start to the Summer Season, and sets the precedent for the weeks to come, if it's a moonlit night move to the big field for the second half once the sun has gone down

Walk back on the moonlit path - GETSUMI NO MICHI

Joker got some great pics which he posted to the Group, the sunset, the moon, and a pic of Venus

ONSHINJUTSU Concepts covered, and Togakure NINJA movement, based on the Sword Gata

As with everything at STMA we evolve a lot of our practice organically as we go along, year by year

A decade ago, Summer Camp was a big event, a separate session disconnected from CLASS regular practice and progression

The first CAMP in 2009 was an outdoor Circle, the first of the Grass days that the new members got to try

2010 was at an indoor venue we acquired for the day, and we followed this with the Halloween Camp being indoors - these would be the only time we arranged indoors Camps, every Camp from then on would be outdoors, and we started to look more into KORYO and the use of the environments

Regular GRASS days over the next few subsequent years, at one point being almost one every month, evolved the Outdoor practice

In 2015 we called it the "Longest Camp Ever" as all training from May to October was Outdoors, twice a week, while we were between DOJO halls

Then came the most recent phase, starting in 2020 during the "virus", where we did more Outdoor than Indoor, and then found a balance between the two, one of each a week in the Summer of 2021 - a lot of the material we kept as "Grass" training, a lot of the Koryo from the old Ryuha, has now become common practice, and has crossed back to the Hall Class, a natural evolution

Recently we have not made CAMP a standout event, rather made it part of the flow of the Season so CAMP is held over a few Grass sessions, and will continue this Summer, just more refined from experience

Usual Camp info, as at website

Caterham Outdoor venue

Kempo Jujutsu
Newaza Ground series, grappling on grass, the original environment
Aiki Jutsu projections

Koryu and Ninjutsu systems:

Koto Ryu
Gyokko Ryu
Shinden Fudo Ryu
Kukkishinden Ryu
Takagi Yoshin Ryu

Togakure Ryu
- the use of Shuriken, Metsubushi, and Shuko in application of the Gata from the Densho
- Ninpo Biken, the Ninja To against the Samurai Katana

Komogakure Ryu
- the Ninja armour concepts and application

Gyokushin Ryu
- the sutemi and the use of short blades in close range on the ground - Knife Grappling

Gikan Ryu
- the unique Koppo Jutsu striking in application and the Mutodori

Unarmed Systems:

Kempo Form 5 – Striking Self Defence sets with Takedowns and finishes
Kempo Form 6 – Weapons defences – Stick and club, knife, gun
Aiki Jutsu – immobilisations and projections
Ninpo Taijutsu – sets from the different Ryuha, and Mutodori Sword Defence
Jiu Jitsu – Shoot and Clinch standing series, then Newaza Ground Fighting

Weapons to be covered:

Knife – both single and double
Kali sticks – single and double
Largo stick
Hanbo of the Kukkishin Ryu
Okinawan Bo staff and Tonfa
Japanese Bokken sword and Jo staff

We will reference the Kata for Okinawan Kama and Sai

We will reference the Kata for Japanese kusari, kusariKama, shoge - blade, cord, chain, sickle weapons

This Camp is open to all current members of STMA – we will also be inviting former members from the Caterham, Shirley and Sanderstead Dojos

Everyone will be welcome and everyone will have the chance to train in both old and new techniques and drill, with both old and new friends

As always our 3 objectives are the same:

Get a good workout
Learn something
Have fun!


As with recent years we are not focussing on one day as being The Camp day

Nor are we doing what we did in 2015 as the "longest camp ever" where we had no Dojo Hall Class and trained twice a week outdoors for several months

This again was contrasted with 2020 and the "virus" generating a lot of daytime training and then evening sessions with no Hall and everyone off work

(apart from Ice and Rogue who wanted us to go outside at 8pm and bang pans for them)

And of course the No Hall winter of 20/21 which generated an extended Winter Camp

We've gotten quite good at these over the years, better than most who try to incorporate outdoor training

And of course we acknowledge the Ryuha where ALL training was outdoors in the days before people built a dojo for training

And that battles were all fought outdoors - the original Arena

This Summer our CAMP will be again spread over several Grass evenings, and will include elements of the Moon, as referenced on earlier years - see below

We are planning Grass evenings around the Full Moon and the Supermoons, again see below, and this plan extends into the Hunters Moon of mid October

and maybe the Beaver Moon of mid November, though that would be well past Summer of course, though does tie in with the Halloween Camp of previous years, usually the last Outdoor evening of the year

So we list below what we publish each year for Camp, which is what we always print, and go from there

Post on Komorebi


Sunset Warriors:

Moonlit path: