Tuesday 27 August 2024

NINJATO - The Ninja Sword


The straight Ninjato was meant to be a tool, not a stylised Sword the way the Katana was

It was a straight, folded and sharpened tool, it did not go through the Katana curve procedure

The Tsuba was a square slab

It was blackened and was disposable and easily replaceable

These swords were made with the 22 sun blade and the longer Saya

As well as the Deception, the end of the Saya could be used for storage

Metsubishi stored in the end, with a cap, used in SANTO applications

The cord would also be longer, and untied, to be used as a climbing tool and weaponm as in HoJo

Curved Ninjato were made later

Some did have the matching correct size Saya

The original Ninja Sword was a standard Katana that broke at the tip

After filing and resharpening the blade we had he first 22 SUN NINJA sword in the long Katana Saya

The weapon had to exist first before the methods to use it could be developed

These methods were developed by the IGA and KOGA Ninja before they were organised into the GATA that became the DENSHO for the Togakure scrolls

The first generation of an organised Ryuha, in this case Togakure, was set up by gata and scrolls passed down by their teachers - the first SOKE, formal Grandmaster of a Ryuha, was about the Third generation from the warriors who founded the teachings

There is a saying in Greece,


however he did have to learn what he knew before he set up the first classroom and taught his first generation of students

Before Aristotle set up The Lyceum he had to learn the teachings passed down from Socrates and Plato

And we know nothing about Socrates apart from what Plato passed down to us, as Socrates never wrote down or recorded anything

(Where would JESUS be if nobody had written the Gospels)

So the SOKE, the Grandmasters, had to learn and catalogue the GATA before they could set up a school and pass them on

From the thread:

“Violence is to be avoided, and Ninpo is Bujutsu”.

“Use the sword to be peaceful, and protect country, family, and nature”.

‘Kajo waraku’ which means “The enjoyment of peaceful harmony with the same effortless compassion as that of the wildflowers.”

Ninja Bikenjutsu - Methods of using the Ninja sword, which is shorter and straighter than the Katana

•Kurai Dori - Sword Kamae

•Iaijutsu - Sword drawing

•Biken Kata - Ninja Sword forms


Nuki - Drawing

Iai Maai - Sword draw distance

Kage no Itto - Shadow Sword

8 Kamae -

Totoku Hyoshi

additional Traditional Kamae


Happo Giri - 8 directions cut

Hi Ryu No Ken - Flying Dragon Sword

Kasumi No Ken - Mist Sword

Muso Ken no Kame UraName - No Thought Sword In Waves

Da To no Ken - Striking and Felling

Issen Ken - One Flash Sword

Itto Giri - One Sword Cut

Kiri Kaeshi - Cut Destruction

Rai Ko No Ken - Thunder Light Sword

Itto Nage - Sword Throwing

Ninja To
Shinobi Gatana
Ninja Sword

A Katana handle with a Wakizashi blade

This is the most simplified explanation of this unique weapon

And also inaccurate as the Weapon has a 22 SUN blade
- a length between that of the Katana and Wakizashi, the Daito and Shoto, the Tacho and Kodachi
- a weapon unique to the NINJA of IGA and KOGA

The thread on Togakure Ninjutu includes all Ninja Biken information


NINPO BIKEN - The Secret Sword of the NINJA