Friday 28 June 2019

5D - the FIFTH Dimension of Combat

5D is where we start getting into the metaphysical stuff of MA.

Mushin - Wu Wei - No Mind.
The empty cup, the Void, the 5th level of the Godai, the 5th element.

In Mushin we go beyond Doai and Maai, the dimensions of space and time, and we just are.

I could write volumes on this one topic or I could write nothing.

The point is - you get there when you get there. It can't be forced, it can't be rushed.

Think of Neo in The Matrix when he realises he is The One. He sees the green code for what it is, not what it appears to be. Once he's achieved this,defeating his "unbeatable" enemy is easy.

This is where YOU want to be!