Sunday 30 June 2019

Further list of KYUSHO

Tendo - the crown
Tento - the fontenalle
Mimi - the ears
Seidon - above and below the eyes
Danchu - the summit of the sternum
Kyototsu - the ren point at the base of the sternum
Kyoei - the 5th/6th rib space, beneath the armpit
Inizuma - above the hip - the iliac crest
Ushiro inazuma - the ischium
Ganchu - pec insertion
Myojo - the dan tien - below the navel - the bladder
Denko - the 7th/8th rib space
Kusagakure - the outer top foot
Dokko - mastoid - behind ear
Soda - between the shoulder blades - summit of T spine
Katsusatsu - spine T12/L1
Kodenko - base of spine - L5/sacrum
Bitei - coccyx
Hijizuma - elbow joint tendon - brachioradialis
Ude kansetsu - elbow joint - bone
Kote - wrist
Uchijakuzawa - inner forearm
Sotojakuzawa - outer forearm

The miyakudokori tendon at the wrist pulse
Thumb pot
Clavicle - sternocleidomastoid
Chin shelf ren point
Zygomatic - cheekbones