Saturday 26 August 2023



Komorebi 木漏れ日 (pronounced kō-mō-leh-bē)

Literally, “sunlight leaking through trees,” this word describes the beauty and wonder of rays of light dappling through overhead leaves, casting dancing shadows on the forest floor

On Grass evenings, especially late in the Summer, when we are on the Circle, we see the red sunset over the trees, as twilight sets in

On nights when we then go to the big field, we have a sky of clouds, stars and the moon - on some nights we have had a cloudless sky and a big full moon lighting the field

Joker has taken and shared photos on these nights, and we have made commentary on the posts about Sunset Warriors and Iga moonlit nights

When we have used the "Canopy", usually on a rainy day, and often on a rainy night, it would by nature be cloudy and dull

However when we go under the canopy when there is sun outside, we get the chance to experience Komorebi

When I was in Japan, we did a lot of outdoor training, both in fields and in the forest

Shinden Fudo Ryu is particular good for this

the battlefield conditions of Kukishinde

and of course Togakure, not only Taijutsu and Biken, but the Onshinjutsu

Experiencing Komorebi in the Japanese forest is a powerful experience, the same as watching the sunset on the mountians

I have talked before about I have been fortunate to train and see the sunrise in the Japanese mountain facing East over the Pacific, and to train and see the sunset on the California beach, facing West over the Pacific

When we spend time under the Canopy when it is sunny, depending both on the time of day and the time of year, we can experience Komorebi

We will take the time to do a couple of Gata under the Canopy in Komorebi when the chance presents


Last night at Grass we covered KNIFE which of course has some focus on Angle 5 the Stab and it's defence

we made a reference to Notting Hill Carnival happening at the same time and the likelihood of people being stabbed there

News reports in today show 8 people were stabbed

Link to the Knife post article

ongoing, relevant, and as important as ever

this passage from the Knife post:

the news is full of reports in recent years of someone being stabbed. Not slashed - not Angle 1 or 2, not Angle 3 or 4 - but a STAB which is ANGLE 5 - a stab to the body

This tells us that this is the most likely knife attack, the one that keeps happening, and the one that the victims are not able to defend against - the ANGLE FIVE STAB TO THE BODY

Again, the Police are wearing stab proof vests - they are not wearing neck protection from Angle 1 and Angle 2 slashes - they are wearing a vest to specifically protect them from the Angle 5 stab to the body


With the four evenings that we have counted as the Summer Camp, any further Grass evenings we do would be Autumn Season

The sun goes down earlier so most of the session sends up being dark

It gets colder so we need the hoodies, hats, and later the gloves

And we are not able to go the the ground

Once the clocks go back, that puts us into Winter Season where the nights are too dark for outdoor training

Which does not mean we can't do day sessions

Whether we do this year remains to be planned, but the option is there


Last night we discussed the Rear Uppercut during the boxing sets

This thread about Boxing fight clips, my second post down, has the Tyson use of the Uppercut

when you are hitting the pads in Boxing Set One, Number 6, this is the ultimate effect that punch has in a real fight


We discussed the use of the Headbutt in the Koppo last night, a KOTO Ryu gata

This is the football Zidane clip thread

My notes:

The relevance here is the use of the technique - when using Zu Tsuki or Ken Kudaki in this way, to the chest the opponent goes down as if he had been hit with Irimi Nage

KOTO Ryu has some techniques which use this "chest head butt" - some people question it's authenticity - so this is a great example

It works great when the opponent is too tall for a face headbutt

Personally I had this done to me in Japan by Manaka Shihan, so can tell you first hand that it works, and it hurts - that is why I still teach it


Forum posts with some great pictures that refer to our Outdoor training tradition


Moonlit path

Sunset Warriors

From Spring post:

Trained in the Circle as the sun went down, some cloud cover above meant the usual sunset over the trees

Moved to big field under a huge full moon, minimal clouds, and moonlight right across the grass

Sunset Warriors

Moonlight Shadow Warriors

This was the best start to the Summer Season, and sets the precedent for the weeks to come, if it's a moonlit night move to the big field for the second half once the sun has gone down

Walk back on the moonlit path - GETSUMI NO MICHI

Joker got some great pics which he posted to the Group, the sunset, the moon, and a pic of Venus

ONSHINJUTSU Concepts covered, and Togakure NINJA movement, based on the Sword Gata


The original post on Silat sweeps from back in 2011

quite brief, as a lot of those early posts were, as there