As mentioned, because we haven't been doing regular Grass over the Season, any of these Summer Grass sessions become a bit special
This being the case, we can look at these as part of the Camp, considering we get to work Koryo, including long Weapons, that we don't do often, if at all at Class
The first of these was Monday May 1st - see notes in thread below:
Trained in the Circle as the sun went down, some cloud cover above meant the usual sunset over the trees
Moved to big field under a huge full moon, minimal clouds, and moonlight right across the grass
Sunset Warriors
Moonlight Shadow Warriors
This was the best start to the Summer Season, and sets the precedent for the weeks to come, if it's a moonlit night move to the big field for the second half once the sun has gone down
Walk back on the moonlit path - GETSUMI NO MICHI
Joker got some great pics which he posted to the Group, the sunset, the moon, and a pic of Venus
ONSHINJUTSU Concepts covered, and Togakure NINJA movement, based on the Sword Gata
CAMP spread over 4 nights:
Monday May 1st
Thursday July 6th
Monday July 31st no CLASS so Thu Aug 3rd being one we have scheduled in place of Class
Monday August 28th will be GRASS not CLASS