Tuesday 30 January 2024


As always when a new year starts, we plan ahead for the first Season, then later into the Year

This often involves a review and streamline of existing information as we take it into the future, and some updating

Kenpo Future STMA


an update of some of what was posted and added last year, summary of the discussions had in Class, how we look back on how KENPO was revised into its formats over the years at the various schools, and what is relevant to us as we move ahead

The Low Kicks - Lo Kix - thread originally opening in 2009


this is a summary added for the revised Shin Bud we have been doing recently, based on the Shin Bud and Karate Set Six we have always done, compared to the KALI Six Count Matrix

The KEMPO 150 - started in 2015


the most recent revisions of the "Brown Black" Unarmed Set, which we will be covering through the year



Update to the Entry and Trapping, taking into account not just the WC we have always done, but the JUN FAN, the KALI and the SILAT - which we will be going over in the Trapping phase again

Competitions History and Relevance


A Streamlined timeline and detailed notes of my Competition History from the 80s and 90s, which I have discussed before, and is relevant to our KB sparring section, as well as significant to the STREET phase

A post of Karate Bubishi


While considering the details of Competition history, and the relevance to developing KB sparring further this year, it seems important to re-address the relevance of KARATE as a Self Defence System, it's long development, and to modern STREET Kempo

Sparring Sport style is only a small part of Karate, a small part of what we do in our training at STMA, and a small part of our history



as we started reviewing HANBO at the end of last Season, and intend to continue it over the new Season and Year, we have added the full Scroll listing to the Hanbo thread - this is the same as can be found in the Kukishin Weapon thread on the NINJA Board and will not be changed again or added to



this year would be a good time to look at some of the other parts of the Weapons from this school we have not looked at yet

We already have the Hanbo, which is unique as it is a Taijutsu weapon used at that range

JUTTE - which includes the TESSEN have 5 Kata, Close Range, which apply to other improvised weapons of that range - they also line up well with the SERRADA stick work, disarms in Sombrada and locks in Hubud which we will be reviewing

BO - we already have intense covering and drilling of the staff - this would be a good time to look at concepts for when we add blade to the end and how that is drilled

YARI - Spear - 28 kata

NAGINATA - Halberd - 13 kata

Bi Naginata - 6 Kata

Bisento - 9 kata

Aikijutsu Koryu Dai San - the Goshin No Kata - 50 techniques of Tomiki/Shodokan


Something else we have not gotten round to, though we have covered a lot of the waza on the way - seems a good time to list the full 50 waza in order, so when we cover some of this in Class it can be referred to