Tuesday 30 January 2024


Notes after our first session, about the progression from Weapons into Unarmed and then KB sparring

Start a session with Double sticks, ended with KB Sparring

The Sparring at the end should feel like the Sinawalli drilling, like you are doing the same thing, the KB is the Unarmed Application of Stickfighting

Kali - blade art
Escrima - stickfighting system
Kenpo stick - technique, form, application
Kenpo Karate - Unarmed and Sparring
Karate - Unarmed and sparring
Contact Karate fighting
Add boxing to Karate

The next development is to add Savate to KB

Then we have Krabi Krabong and Muay Thai

Krabi is added to KALI in the Weapon phase, the hard driving stepping and strikes

Krabi the blade art
Krabi with sticks
Unarmed Combat

Muay Boran - the Karate/Kempo like Unarmed Combat system
The sparring and Sport Application

Muay Thai

So Krabi with the sticks flows into the Muay Thai system, so when you are Sparring KB you are doing Krabi

As we add Krabi to Kali, we add Thai to our KB

When you are sparring at the end, it is the same as when you do sticks at the start

This will be a theme we develop further in 2024