Tuesday 19 March 2013

Gyokko Ryu Koshi Jutsu

Gyokko Ryu (Jewelled tiger school)


The oldest ryuha.

Based on Chinese Kempo, with roots in Tiger Crane, strikes are made to muscles and nerves - a lot of Second Rule. There is also chinese chin na - muscle seizing and tearing.

Closely resembles kung fu, tiger crane, with some dragon, snake.

Taijutsu kihon happo comes from this ryu.

The changing of direction mid flow gives us evasion and distance in defence, adds torque and power in our counters, and makes it hard for the opponent to read us so he in turn can't counter.

Indirect attack.

The 10th Soke of Gyokko Ryu founded the Koto Ryu school of koppojutsu