Tuesday 19 March 2013

Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu

Takagi Yoshin Ryu (Raise the heart to the high trees school)


This closely resembles Kempo Jujutsu, very much a grappling school with rapid strikes

The throws and chokes of Judo, and the locks and projections of aikido can be seen here - though in a battlefield form, not a mat form

Power and pressure - techniques are applied fast, close and in succession so the opponent has no chance to retreat or counter, breakfall, roll, or escape

Unlike battlefield arts for soldiers, this was an art developed for bodyguards - it was developed inside a building, not outdoors like most koryu, designed for use in a more confined area

This is almost the opposite of Shinden Fudo Ryu which is outdoors in nature KJJ, TYR is indoors and urban KJJ

As this ryu is not battlefield based it takes it's weapon system from the Bojutsu of Kukkishinden Ryu, and the shorter sticks are used to effect in close quarters

The entire syllabus of this ryu forms the unarmed combat of Kukkishinden Ryu