Saturday 2 March 2013

Togakure Ryu Ninpo Ninjutsu

Togakure Ryu (Hidden door school)


The primary school for ninja tactics, techniques and tools

biken jutsu - ninja sword - the short straight sword
kenjutsu fighting skills and iaijutsu drawing skills

Yonpo Hiden - the four secrets:
shuriken and metsubishi
shuko claws
shinondake - blowgun/snorkel
shoge - blade and rope/ring

This ryu is 800 years old

The taijutsu for Togakure ryu is taken from GyokkoRyu KoshiJutsu and Koto Ryu KoppoJutsu

taijutsu kenpo uses shuko, and always has options for throwing shuriken and metsubushi

shinobi gaeshi - the taihenjutsu that is used for escape and evasion is based on the sanshin no kata, both in technique, and in the interpretation of the elements godai and gogyo

santo tonko - use of shuriken and metsubushi in vanishing

henso jutsu - disguise and impersonation

sakki - the sensing of intention, as in the shidoshi test

The famous Ninja Hattori Hanzo was from this ryu

When the Toda family inherite the ryu they added their own systems of Kumogakure ryu, Gyokko Ryu and Koto Ryu