Sunday 3 March 2013

Ninjutsu Book of Man

Jin Ryaku no Maki (Humanly Strategy Book)

Suwari Gata (sitting forms)
•Three forms of defending from seated posture

Katate Dori (counters to single hand grabs)
•Five forms of countering one hand grabs or grabs with one hand

Ryote Dori (counters to two hand grabs)
•Seven forms of countering two handed grabs

Haibu Yori (defending the rear)
•Five counters to attacks from behind

Tsuki Uchi (counters against fist attacks)
•Nine forms against punching attacks

Keri ni Taisuru Uke (counters against kicks)
•Five forms against kicking attacks

Tsuki to Keri ni Taisuku Waza (counters to punch & kick combinations)
•Five forms against punch/kick combo attacks

Nage Kaeshi (throw counters)
•Eight counters to throws - also defined as "returning the throw"

Muto Dori Gata (unarmed against a blade)
•One form unarmed against a blade attack

Zanto Tonko no Kata (escaping forms)
•Seven forms for escaping variety of attacks