Unarmed Combat
The strikes of KEMPO backed up the the locks, throws, takedowns, and groundwork of JUJUTSU
For KEMPO what we do is the list of 156 Kempo techniques - our primary area of interest
Sometimes we run through these in order, sometimes we group them, eg Punch Defences, Stick Defences, etc
Kenpo Karate as a system involves learning and practicing the Forms, which we do not do
- we are not developing a complete Karate or Kenpo system, we use the strikes then add the Jujutsu, which creates KEMPO JUJUTSU as a fully Functional system
(We do cover the list of techniques from Form 7 the Double Stick form and Form 8 the Double Knife form, and this flows with our KALI stick and knife practice - and we cover the Club and Staff set applications )
The Freestyle Kenpo sets
The Unarmed Kenpo sets in application - stance, block, strike, finger, kicks, coordination
KEMPO TD takedowns
Some Kenpo sets, particular the extensions, have a TD which ends with the opponent face up or face down - the KENPO finish is to use strikes, primarily kicks and stomps
To make a Kempo Jujutsu sequence, we would finish a JJ grappling way
- Aiki pin
- Judo pin into choke or armbar
- JJ Combative, take mount, side mount, submission
From a NINPO set TD we could finish with a Kempo stomp or go into a JJ Newaza
Strictly speaking, a NINJA finish would be to dump METSUBISHI on the face, or take out and use a blade for a kill finish
For a SILAT sequence with a TD, we can go into one of these three finish Strategies
Gohon Kumite, the Five Step drill which links to the Krabi Five Step and Kumi Weapons stepping
Sanbon Kumite, the three step drills
We take Kihon Ippon Kumite and Jiyu Ippon Kumite from Shotokan
We do not learn and practice the Karate Kata, however we do take some of the "bunkai" application sequences - as well as Shotokan, we have Shotokai "bunkai" which are different and some more detailed
We do the same with the Goju Katas
We take the Kumite sets from Kyokushinkai, as well as some of their Sparring structure such as the Clicker Knockdown Continuous format
The first sets of the Kihon Ippon and Jiyu Ippon Kumite form the basis for Karate free kumite sparring, which flows direct into KICKBOXING PHASE
The Kyokishin sets are directly used for Karate Kumite Sparring in the KB phase
Kumite sets 2 to 5 are practiced as Kempo sets, and form the basis for the Street/Self Defence application of Karate
Karate Sweeps
Our system comes from Traditional Jujutsu Ryuha then flows into the Modern system, the techniques appearing in their syllabus eg Judo Gokyo
Kito Ryu Jujutsu into Kodokan Jujutsu then Judo
Gracie Jujutsu
Daito Ryu Aikijutsu into Aikido
Tomiki Aikido
TACHI Immoblisations, Projecions, and Pins
NEWAZA pins. chokes, locks
Standing, Mount, Guard, Side Mount
Reflex Development and Fight Simulations
Advanced JJ Master Cycle - includes Rear Mount, Half Guard, Leglocks
MUTODORI - Unarmed against Weapons
The Tachi Dori and Jo Dori of Aiki
We cover the Taijutsu Unarmed combat from the main six schools, the Ninja Ryuha - this overlays the existing Unarmed phase
The HANBO of Ninpo is part of the Taijutsu system as well as a direct Weapon
MUTODORI Unarmed against Sword - the Advanced scrolls are based on these Gata
NINPO Weapons are covered in the WEAPONS Phase
We have the HIA traps and NRG Chi Sao drills from Wing Chun
Kick, Entry and Punch sets
Jik Chun Choy Straight Blast
Some WC sets, applied like a Kempo set
Kali Entry, Destruction and Trapping
Silat Entries and sets
Jun Fan RAT series
NRG - Energy drill series
Wing Chun Chi Sao progression
Kali hubud series
CRA - Close Range Arts
drilled and applied from Hubud
wrist locks
elbow locks
HKE - head, knee, elbow
Silat sweeps
Tai Chi push
Tomiki atemi