Monday 25 September 2023





Our primary Weapons training is Filipino Kali

Double sticks

Single stick


Three main ranges:

Largo Mano

Medio Sombrada

Corto Hubud



The Weapon Art of Thailand

Krabi - the short swords, represented by the Kali sticks - applied Single and Double

Krabong - the short spear, represented by the Jo staff

This is the first Art we add to our KALI, as it compliments and expands our practice

This has the 8 Step drill which links all the Weapons in Attack and Defence - the first time we mix weapons, short sword v spear

10 Step drill with the turning strikes

5 Step drill

- parallel lead

- flows into kicks and knees - links to Muay Boran

- matches with Karate Kumite, and the OK-KOB Kumi



we cover the Weapons of Ninpo

SWORD - Biken jutsu of Togakure, the Ninjato

Kukushinden Ryu :

Sword Katana


Jo staff

Bo staff

Also NINJA weapons listed:

Kodachi, Jutte and Tessen
Kusurikama weapons
Kusuari chain weapons

Shuriken and Mestubishi

Shuko claws

Yari spear and Naginata halberd

Often more the Concepts and Applications than techniques and direct practices


JAPANESE KOBUDO - JAP-KOB - descended from the Samurai systems


- we do not take anything from Modernised Kendo system, the kata, or the sparring exercises in armour with shinai

- we have the Seitei gata from Iaijutsu, some gata from the Traditional schools - and we practice the application

- we have the Sword Suburi and Kumi Tachi from Daito Ryu, the Aiki Sword


- Seitei Jo from Shinden Muso Ryu

- Ninja Jo from Kukishinden Ryu

- Aiki Jo from Daito Ryu



Bo staff and Tonfa - part of our Karate practice, and links with the 8 Step drill

Nunchaku - the Kihon and their applications

We also have applications for the Kama and Sai weapons

We do not learn and practice the Okinawan Kata for these Weapons



Bart Charm Dao Swords and Kwane pole

These have a form each, the application of which is a KUMI type drill against the other Weapon

These are based on and expand our Wing Chun practice

We do not learn and practice the Form, just the drills and application



We cover the list of techniques from Form 7 the Double Stick form and Form 8 the Double Knife form

We cover the Club and Staff set applications