Saturday 5 November 2022

At the Camp we discussed the Forms as they appear in the formal systems of KENPO KARATE

This thread has explanations of the forms and the techniques that make them up:

This was first posted in 2014, almost nine years ago

You have covered all these techniques, some more than others, over time, we just don't always refer to them by these names, do them in this order listed, and often add extensions, or link them to other techniques or other Arts

Form 1 and 2 refer to basic stepping and countering exercises

Form 3 is defences against grappling and grabbing attacks

Form 4 is defence against combinations attacks with appropriate responses

Form 5 is sets that includes tds with kempo ground finishes

Form 6 is weapons defences - gun rod, lance knife and storm stick

Form 7 is use of double sticks in Kempo sets

Form 8 is use of double knives in Kempo sets

Long 4 includes MK techniques you know Five Swords and Thundering Hammers

At Camp we looked at Destructive Kneel - this looks a lot like old Tiger Crane Kung Fu, and possibly Hung Gar, where a lot of the original techniques can be sourced and branched from - the movement is the core move of Thundering Hammers, the stance and movement, Kamae and Sabaki, that make the strikes work - this set includes the knee buckles, checks, and leg break

Long 5 includes Dance Of Death, which we have covered in depth over a few sessions - popular as the KEMPO Leg TD set