Sunday 6 November 2022



Looking at KEMPO again, the list of techniques from the Forms, specifically 4 and 5 - we can examine these over the Winter Season including on Mat sessions linking the KENPO KARATE to the KEMPO JUJUTSU

Form 4 is defence against combinations attacks with appropriate responses - it contains 20 techniques

Form 5 is sets that includes tds with kempo ground finishes -it contains 10 techniques

Form 4

protecting fans
darting leaves
unfurling crane
destructive kneel
flashing wings

gathering clouds
circles of protection
MK Thundering Hammers
dance of darkness
unwinding pendulum

reversing circles
snaking talon
circling fans
circling windmills
defensive cross

bowing to buddha
prance of the tiger
MK Five Swords
shield and mace
twirling hammers

Form 5

Destructive Fans

Dance of Death

Leap Of Death


INT - Stamp sequence


Brushing The Storm

Falling Falcon

Circling Horizon

Leaping Crane