Saturday 27 July 2024


From the Karate clips thread

Full Contact Karate

Rick Roufus • King of Full Contact

Rick "The Jet" Roufus Highlights

there is a lot of crossover in these two clips but they are worth going through

Yes, that is Van Damme watching and commenting

Classic Full Contact Karate Knockouts

This is the best example of how Karateka in the 80s put on the gloves, got in the boxing ring and had literal Full Contact versions of the Karate matches

kick boots
no shirt

the precursor to what became Kickboxing

The terms for Full Contact Karate into Kickboxing evolved progressively over time with the different matches and rules people were trying out

Karate Dojo sparring is what led to the first Karate matches - Kumite as a contest, fighting an opponent from a different club on the mats

Sparring with your Dojo mates to help each other train and learn was different from fighting an opponent from another club at a match

which is how is was with Kendo and Judo

For FC, the Karate fighters looked at what Boxing did

Big gloves
no shirt
boxing ring

Karateka took to the boxing ring, no shirts, long pants, gloves and gumshields, and added boots and shinguards

when it first became called Kickboxing that was a generic term that evolved naturally

it became difficult to determine what was Full Contact Karate and what was Kickboxing as it had become the same thing

as we said, Semi Contact evolved later and separately

In the Dojo you wore your gi for sparring kumite on the mat

at match you wore your gi for kumite on the mat

in the ring you took off your gi jacket, added more gear

SC contests back on the mat had the gi back on, with gear, with contact limited


The real difference in the next stage of the evolution of Kickboxing was the Boxers who added kicks to be able to compete in that format

They went to Karate to learn the kicks, how to drill, spar and apply them

without years of Karate training and development they did not have attributes and dexterity for contact head kicks, and that didn't develop until later

In Boxing the primary four punches are Jab, Cross, Hook and Uppercut done to the head for a KO - the punches are done to the body of course, though these are secondary and "supporting" the head KO - developed on the Focus pads

In Karate the primary four kicks are mygeri, kekome, mawashi and ushiro - these are done to the body with the head kicks being "secondary supporting" - developed on the shield

The backfist as secondary punch and hook kick as secondary kick, as they are in Karate, were incorporated - front, rear and spinning versions, done to the head as KO

The ashi harai foot sweep was allowed in the matches and used the same way

You had a style of KB which then mainly focussed on head punching and body kicking, with focus pad and kicks shield as the drilling methods

then of course we get to

Low Kicks KB

By the time we get to the K1 matches you can really see the Boxing element - and the low kicks are there