Saturday 27 July 2024


This is the Class thread from ten years ago, end of June into the start of July 2014, which would be last week's class if we want to be tempal accurate

As you can see, we focussed on KB Impact on the focus pads, thai pads and shield then the applications

There is a lot of reference links and clips which are worth reviewing if you feel inclined

We will roll all this to NEXT week and revisit this lesson at the ten year mark ( not worrying about the two week difference )

ICEMAN was of course there for the first one

And maybe we will do this again in 2034


The Fred Astaire clip again

This includes notes and clips for Ali and Bruce Lee

We also added a new Gene Kelly clip

Some of this goes back to 2011 and is still as relevant today


Gene Kelly montage

towards the end you have the scene when he's tap dancing in roller skates

Singing in the rain full song and dance

just after the 3 min mark is the curb cross step bit


The Fred Astaire notes and clips, as well as relevant Bruce and Ali threads on one new post


Fred Astaire Dancing to Michael Jackson's Smooth criminal

If you watch in with the sound turned down or off you can see the movement and rhythm

As stated, with the sound on the original song has been replaced with Smooth Criminal, which actually fits the routine better

From our earlier posts

(some of the clips you would need to look up again as the links have expired)

When Dan Inosanto was asked if there was anyone, ever, who had better footwork than Bruce Lee his answer was "Fred Astaire".

Master John Lacoste is recognised as maybe having the greatest footwork of any escrimador ever. Again, if asked if there was anyone who could match Master Lacoste's footwork combined with the way he worked his stick the answer would be "Fred Astaire".

Watch these classic Fred Astaire clips and you will see:

bursting forward and backward,
traversing laterally,
dropping elevation,
breaking rhythm
male triangles,
female triangles,
upper and lower canines


Bruce Lee fight scenes - Blog 2011

Although they are coreographed movie fights they are the best way to see Bruce's movement, technique and athleticism.

Many of the concepts of JKD can be seen here - footwork, angles, changing of levels, timing, interception, multiple opponents, weapons, defanging, etc.

Most important of all, use these clips to study his footwork and movement - then compare them to Ali - and Fred Astaire!


Fred Astaire Blog post 2011


Forum thread June 2014 - ten years ago


The Keith Richards guitar clip, as referenced last week - new thread

Keith Richards guitar chops fan, 1981

In this short clip a fan gets on stage, past security and runs towards Mick

Keith takes his guitar off, blats him with it a couple of times, puts it back on, and carries on playing

The incident does not interrupt or stop the concert, or even the song