Saturday 27 July 2024


Used the lower field with it's new own circle rather than the upper field with the usual circle

Later in the summer we call these the Sunset Field and Moon Field and move between for those reasons, and use the Komorebi in the Canopy - we will look at this for August

Bright sunlight into sunset and still no moon when we finished

As we go into Summer to Autumn 2024 we look at Grass sessions

we like to consider the Full Moon and the Komorebi

Sunday July 21 2024

Full Moon

Deer Moon

Monday August 19 2024


Sturgeon Moon

Wednesday September 18 2024


Harvest Moon

partial lunar eclipse

Thursday October 17 2024

Super Moon

Hunters Moon

closest supermoon for 2024

Friday November 15 2024


Beaver Moon

New moon happens when the moon (in its monthly orbit of Earth) goes more or less between the sun and Earth.

Full moon happens when the moon (in its monthly orbit) is on the opposite side of Earth from the sun.

Perigee – from the root words peri meaning near and geo meaning Earth – is the moon’s closest point to Earth in a month.

So the new or full moon closely coincides with perigee several times each year. When that happens, in the language of popular culture, we have a supermoon.

New moon happens when the moon (in its monthly orbit of Earth) goes more or less between the sun and Earth.

Full moon happens when the moon (in its monthly orbit) is on the opposite side of Earth from the sun.

Perigee – from the root words peri meaning near and geo meaning Earth – is the moon’s closest point to Earth in a month.

So the new or full moon closely coincides with perigee several times each year. When that happens, in the language of popular culture, we have a supermoon.

The closest full moon supermoon in 2024 will recur after 14 lunar months (14 returns to full moon) after the closest full supermoon of 2023. That’s because 14 returns to full moon almost exactly equal 15 returns to perigee, a period of about one year, one month, and 18 days.

In 2024 there will be 4 full supermoons in a row from August to November.

The closest full supermoon will be October 17.

July 21: Deer Moon

August 19: Sturgeon Moon - Supermoon

September 17: Harvest Moon

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 - Supermoon

October 17: Hunter's Moon - Supermoon

November 15: Beaver Moon - Supermoon

A full Moon is said to be a “Supermoon” when it is at the point in its orbit closest to Earth. In astronomy, the terms “perigee syzygy” or “perigee full Moon” are typically used instead of “Supermoon.” .

When the full moon is close to that point, it is seen from Earth looking larger and brighter because of its closer proximity, thus producing a supermoon.

Forum posts with some great pictures that refer to our Outdoor training tradition


Moonlit path

Sunset Warriors

From Spring post last year 2023 :

Trained in the Circle as the sun went down, some cloud cover above meant the usual sunset over the trees

Moved to big field under a huge full moon, minimal clouds, and moonlight right across the grass

Sunset Warriors

Moonlight Shadow Warriors

This was the best start to the Summer Season, and sets the precedent for the weeks to come, if it's a moonlit night move to the big field for the second half once the sun has gone down

Walk back on the moonlit path - GETSUMI NO MICHI

Joker got some great pics which he posted to the Group, the sunset, the moon, and a pic of Venus

ONSHINJUTSU Concepts covered, and Togakure NINJA movement, based on the Sword Gata