Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Club progression

We will be following the tried and tested method we have always used when starting up a club in a new area.

We start with one class a week, in an empty hall, with no real equipment, to build up a student base, and get you used to working with each other in the unarmed drills.
During this time we work on drills from the core arts.

There are no joining fees or membership at this point, everyone pays just £5 for a class.

Then we add a second class, then a third.
Not everybody wants to train three times a week, but a dedicated few will do. At this point a student will be paying £15 a week, which works out as £60 a month.
So, at this point, we offer a monthly membership of £40 or even £35 to drive down the cost to you. This encourages students to take extra classes with no extra cost. You spend time, not money, to build your skills.

As for equipment we start with empty hands, though I will bring pads and practice weapons to even the earliest session so I can demonstrate some of the drills and give students a chance to have a go. Nobody needs to bring anything to the first sessions, though students who have their own pads and sparring gear are welcome to do so.

Once we get underway we start bringing equipment to the Kickboxing sessions and weapons to the kobudo sessions.
Students are required to buy their own sparring gear, and encouraged to buy their own pads and shields.
We set up a deal with a supply company to get us a reasonable rate.

For the weapons class we start with sticks and knife.
Students need to by a training knife and a pair of sticks from us.
As sticks wear out through training you can buy replacements from us as needed.
We also supply "Stick tape" to wrap your sticks (you'll soon see why!)

Students start the kickboxing and weapons phase when they feel ready.
Nobody is forced to do either and can stay with unarmed drills if they wish.
Nobody is forced to spar until they feel ready.
However students with sparring experience can spar from day one if they wish, and do feel free to bring your own kit if you have it.

As we progress to two the three sessions a week we will decide which days will feature which disciplines. This will be up to you, the students, to help decide what you want to practice on which days. This is YOUR club so you help decide.
Also, somebody wanting to focus on a particular area, be it kickboxing, weapons, locks, whatever, are welcome to specialise and do that at any session.
We are totally flexible here.