Tuesday, 15 September 2009

The First Rule of Fight Club...

... is don't talk about Fight Club.
I'm sure you've all seen the film (you may have even read the book).
It's also the second rule as well.

However at our "Fight Club" we want to reverse this rule.

DO tell people about our club. Tell your friends and invite the along. Email people our website address. Spread the word and get some new people here!

Open to anyone

Whether you are a complete beginner or seasoned black belt, a competition fighter, or just somebody interested in Self Protection, we have something for you.

Everyone will be able to work at their own pace, so this is an ideal class for beginners and ladies, but also for students who want to go a bit faster and harder and learn a bit quicker.

One of our mottos is:
"Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative".
This means we take what you are good at and help you polish and improve it, help you get even better. We then take what you are not so good at and bring you up to speed. Our aim is to make you a fully functional Martial Artist at all ranges, fill in the blanks, and make what you do fully functional for the real world.

Another of our mottos is:
"Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless, add what is specifically your own"
(quoted from the late, great Bruce Lee, the original cross-trainer)
which does exactly what it says. You take what is useful to you (including what you learn here), discard what is useless (including what you learn here), and add what is your own, to develop your own unique style of fighting that works for you.