Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Grades and gradings

For grading we use the traditional Japanese kyu-dan system.

9 kyu grade coloured belts, then 9 dan grades of black belt.

As we're flexible here, you can decide what classes you take and what you want your award to be in, what you are working towards. Think of how the Open University compares to a "traditional" university.

One of our themes is "having no way as way, having no limitation as limitation".

Everyone who walks through our door has the potential to earn a black belt, and there is no reason you can't set your sites on that goal from day one.

Maybe you want to specialise with a black belt in karate, or be one of the first to earn a black belt in Feng Wei. Perhaps you'd like to do a "double degree" with a black belt in Karate and Feng Wei. Maybe you want to specialise in one area but cover others, so you become a black belt in Feng Wei with minors in kickboxing and weapons. Maybe you want to learn more, cover all the bases and work on an "Open degree", earning a black belt in "Shiro Tora". Whatever you want to work on we are flexible, and you can change your focus as you progress in your training.

Welcome to the school of future black belts!