Sunday, 5 January 2025

Join the Training Group


Join the Training Group

Shiro Tora Budo Kai – White Tiger Martial Arts – South Croydon 

If you want to learn to fight – come to see us! 

Weapons training – Unarmed Combat – Grappling – Kickboxing 


Get a great workout – Learn something – Have Fun! 

Practical, Realistic and Effective Street Self Defence 

Traditional and Contemporary Martial Arts Training 

Learn from a 7th Dan Black Belt with over 30 years experience 


Kenpo 150

Kodokan Judo Newaza

Judo Gokyo




Progressive Sparring

  The Progressive Sparring thread

Having got to LHK we will be working the progression over the Season

The Progression will be on these 16 stages

1. lead jab only
2. lead hand only
3. lead hand and kick only

4. lead hand and kick v boxing
5. lead hand and kick v kickboxing
6. lead hand and kick v kicks only

7. jab v cross

8. boxing both

9. boxing v kicks
10. boxing v box and lead kick
11. boxing v kickboxing
12. boxing v lead kick

13. boxing and lead kick both
14. boxing and lead kick v kicks
15. boxing and lead kick v kickboxing

16. kickboxing both

21 phases of progressive sparring

 Bruce Lee listed 21 phases of progressive sparring:

lead jab only
lead hand only

lead hand and kick only
lead hand and kick v boxing
lead hand and kick v kickboxing
lead hand and kick v kicks only

jab v cross

boxing both

boxing v kicks
boxing v box and lead kick
boxing v kickboxing
boxing v lead kick

boxing and lead kick both
boxing and lead kick v kicks
boxing and lead kick v kickboxing

kickboxing both

add knees and elbows

add takedowns and throws
add grappling

kickboxing v grappling
boxing v grappling

 New post for Okinawan Weapons - the koryo weapons of old Okinawa

The Boards for the systems each have a 2025 update

Though we don't really plan a "theme for the year", we have been, and will continue in the new Season, to look at Concepts and have again listed these for Kempo and Jujutsu and started referring them at the end of the 2024 Season

This will have different significance to new Members in Phase One than they will to established Black Belts

The other Theme is to consider old Koryo, even if we don't directly use the methods, but to consider the Concepts for how these weapons came to be, and their relevance to the Unarmed Combat

NINPO - we already heavily use the Kukishinden weapons are relate that to the Dakentaijutsu, as well as Ninjato of Togakure to Koppo, and we refer the use of SHURIKEN where relevant - the NINJA approach being the most comprehensively evolved

The NINJA use of the Climbing tools for weapons is the obvious - Grapple, shuko and ashiko

RYUKYU - as mentioned above

THAI - Krabi Krabong - then the Old weapons

SILAT - the old weapons - and directly relevant ones such as KARAMBIT

CHINA - the various systems that have long and short weapons that relate to their Kung Fu, knives, swords, sabers, spears, etc

GRECO ROMAN - the spear, the short sword, the shield and, as mentioned Trident and net - we have always considered the Spartan warrior concepts and parallels

EUROPE - two handed battle swords - the "civilian" rapier and it's relevance to the cane - knights on horses in armour, sword and shield, lances, pikes

This helps us to consider our use of the Modern weapons

Knuckle duster



Security Torch

Modern metsubishi - pepper spray, mace, CS

Handheld Taser

Handguns are not new, though are Modern by definition, now we have the Taser gun

Modern "armour" -

motorbike leathers and helmet, gloves
cycling gloves
face and eye protection
paintball protection
groin guards, knee pads and other KB pads
other knee pads
other industrial PPE

stab proof vests and other body armour

right up to military grade kevlar


The Zen Nihon Karate Kobudo is the modern GOSHIN Japanese school for the five weapons we use


This modern Kobudo relates to modern Karate

Each of these weapons has KORYO systems from old RYUKYU where they originated

The RYUKYU KOBUDO relates to the RYUKYU KEMPO before that Kempo was refined into the Okinawa TE styles that Karate evolved from

There are other Ryukyu weapons that we do not need to learn, but need to consider, just as we do with the weapons of THAI and SILAT

Most importantly the CONCEPTS and PRINCIPLES behind these weapons, how they came to be used, how the techniques were developed and applied

You will probably never be on a boat fishing with a Trident and find the need to defend yourself from a sudden bandit attack, however the thought behind this use of improvised weapons carries over into any modern situation

Interesting to note, and this can be seen on films such as Gladiator and Spartacus, there were captured Greco Roman warriors of those regions that became gladiators and used the Trident fishing net in the arena

The TOGAKURE uses fishing nets, often in group operations, and this carries into the other two NINJA Ryu

(and those Hunger Games fans will know the Finnick from District 4 the Trident and net and won his Games that year )

The Ryukyu Kobudo list:

TEKKO - a knuckleduster type weapon

TINBE ROCHIN - shield and "spear" though this is actually a short machete like sword

SURIJIN - weighted chain, like a kusarifundo

HANBO the three foot stick and TAMBO the 2 foot stick, like a Kali stick are used

EKU - the oar, like a cricket bat on a Bo staff

SANSETSU KON - the three sectional staff

KUWA - the hoe, both short and long versions

NUNTI BO - a bo with a Sai or Manji sai attached, a form or trident spear

Ryukyu Kempo and Kobudo are the "ancient" Koryo systems from old Ryukyu before it became Okinawa

Nihon Karate and Kobudo are the modern Goshin systems

 This Street Karate thread was started in 2012, which would be thirteen years ago, which would be three years after we formed STMA in May 2009

Another example of a thread which never needed to be added to

For established Black Belts to new Members, a list such as this is relevant to how you practice and apply your striking in Street attacks should the need arise

Look at the Arts we source and the specific techniques and the Concepts

Wing Chun

Look at the list of techniques above and look at the list of KENPO Concepts, how the 21 Concepts relate to these techniques in a REAL fight

No need to update the List in terms of "new" techniques, there are no new techniques added to what we do in the last decade

Look in terms of applying CONCEPTS

 As I mentioned, in my personal training, I attended the TAIKAI with Hatsumi Sensei over the years, my intention will be to attend Taikai by the different Soke, not just the "general" Ninjutsu training, but in the specific Ryuhu they are now head of

As an existing Shidoshi, I would look to take the opportunity to advance my training in "fifth dan and above" for these Ryuha

I will then pass this down to the Tigers

KOTO Ryu under Noguchi

GYOKKO Ryu under Ishizuka


would be my first interest - and these Shihan would still be teaching the entire NINPO system, not just their specific Ryuha

I will consider further training under Manaka in his JININKEN school

and TANEMURA in his Genbukan school

as I have trained with all five of these SHIHAN over the decades

Maybe parallel or later I would look for instruction in the specific Ryuha from the new Soke

TOGAKURE RYU under Tsutsui Takumi

KUKISHINDEN Ryu under Iwata Yoshio

TAKAGI YOSHIN RYU under Sakasai Norio

GIKAN RYU also under Norio

GYOKUSHIN Ryu under Kan Jun'ichi

KUMOGAKURE Ryu under Furuta Kōji

I do not personally know these Shihan yet, and have no interest in their interpretation of the "overall" Ninpo, I would be looking for training in their specific Ryuha

This is, of course, at this point, my intentions for my personal training over the next decade or so, though part of my SHIDOSHI development is to practice and teach what I learn back at my own Dojo, in this case STMA

As mentioned, it is possible that future training in some RYUHA will be done under the next SOKE, the current Soke's successor

 This was one of the first posts from Summer 2009 when we were setting up and populating the Boards

It was a very simple explanation, one post and a few lines, as many were back then, and has never been expanded on or added to over the fifteen years

Apart from the fact that I am now Fifth Dan in Jujutsu there was no real update

Because of the way we address NINPO, looking at the scroll lists for the 6 schools, we can view the root schools of JUJUTSU in the same way

The KEMPO is the same list of techniques

- to make KENPO KARATE you group them in Forms, as with any KARATE, and not our focus

KITO Ryu Jujutsu is the primary source for JUDO

A powerful KORYU system of Grappling and Close Quarter Combat it contained the more deadly versions of the WAZA we see in Modern Judo - throws, pins/breaks, and chokes - initially developed from grappling in YOROI armour

This where KODOKAN Jujutsu was developed into a more modern Unarmed Combat Self Defence System and was later refined into JUDO for safer practice and competition

the KODOKAN is, or course, where the Modern Kyu-Dan belt grading system was started

Shihan Maeda, "Count Combat", taught the more NEWAZA based version of what was still called KODOKAN JUJUTSU to the GRACIES

GRACIE Jiu Jitsu was refined from this

The DAITO RYU school has AIKIJUTSU as well as KOBUDO, specifically Sword and Jo staff

It is from here that AIKIJUTSU was refined into modern AIKIDO

Pre WWII Aikido was more combative, the modern IWAMA style being refined after

The YOSEIKAN Aikido was kept similar to the pre war and is more AIKIJUTSU

DAITO RYU was once described as "Aikido on steroids" which may be how it would appear to someone coming from a background in the Modern Dojo Aikido

Professor TOMIKI refined AIKIDO into a more sportive method, added a form of Randori, so it became closer to Modern Judo



So in our system of Kyushindo Jujutsu

we take the Combative mindset of the KITO and DAITO Ryu, just as we do with the main 6 NINPO Ryu

we look at the modern DOJO methods of JUDO and AIKIDO

we look at the refinements made by TOMIKI and GRACIE


we add in the KEMPO strikes, refined down from Chinese KUNG FU to Ryuku KEMPO, that was refined as the three Okinwan TE, that became the Japanese KARATE DO

this KEMPO striking system is far more detailed and superior than the basic ATEMI systems that are part of AIKIDO and JUDO

There is nothing here we have no written elsewhere or said in Class, it seems a good way to summarise as we move into the second quarter of the new century, taking the teaching forward to the next Generation

 Once members have perfected the LHK, the Lead Hand and Kick phase we move onto the next three phases

lead hand and kick v boxing

lead hand and kick v kickboxing

lead hand and kick v kicks only

the important part here is to use the LHK against the three variables

your Uke will take the parts for your benefit

Boxer - hands only

Kickboxer - full KB structure

Kicks Only

if you want to take this to the next level you can visit external clubs for Sparring or even enter a competition

spar against a Boxer and a Kickboxer after agreeing to this format

spar against a kick specialist eg a TSD black belt, again after agreeing to the format

This has been done in previous STMA formats, towards the end of the 1990s, and the agreed format benefitted the friends we sparred against

Keep in mind this - a lot of Clubs that claim to show how to use their style "against" whoever have never really tried it AGAINST anyone

eg a Wing Chun club who have a session showing "how to use WC against a boxer/kickboxer" or then "how to use WC against a grappler" - the so called "Sifu" has never sparred with a real boxer, KB, Judoka, Jujutsu, or wrestler, what he does is have one of his own students, who has no training in these styles let alone black belt or competition level, come at him with passive "attacks" so he can show his fantasy "counters"

you don't see WC "fighters" enter events such as UFC, or even the "MMA" and Cage events, and using their "Wing Chun System" to beat kickbox, karate and thai based strikers or grapplers from Judo, JJ or wrestling

So when you do an Isolation, in this case the LHK, we need to know the Uke is doing proper Boxing, Kickboxing and Kick Only - which we definitely do at STMA as we have the background, training, expertise, and experience

 How and why is it that a "Martial Arts" Black Belt with years of training can lose in a Street fight to an untrained thug?

The answer isn’t found in their techniques.

It’s in their attributes—the qualities that shape a fighter.

Attributes like:

Killer instinct: That switch to attack mode without hesitation.

Sensitivity: Feeling your opponent’s moves, not just seeing them.

Timing: Landing the blow at the perfect moment.

In Jeet Kune Do, techniques are just the tip of the iceberg.

The real fight is won beneath the surface, where your reflexes, power, and adaptability lie.

Bruce Lee understood this.

That’s why Jeet Kune Do isn’t about cataloging moves.

It’s about how you perform them.

A jab that’s telegraphed or poorly timed? Just a jab.

But a jab thrown with the right attributes? That’s Jeet Kune Do.

This is why JKD emphasizes attribute development.

Whether it’s sparring with a stick moving at 150 mph to sharpen reflexes or knife sparring to fine-tune sensitivity, the goal is clear:

build the fighter, not just the repertoire.

Because in a fight, it’s not the belt around your waist that matters

it’s the attributes inside you.