Tuesday, 28 January 2025

 As with all Ryuha the core weapon of Kukishin is the sword

Ishitani was the 26th Soke

Takamatsu was the 27th Soke

Dai Shihan Iwata Yoshio, student of Hatsumi is now 29th Soke as we complete the last quarter of the new Century

We know the story about the Sword being used at angle 12 at that battle and this being considered the "signature move" of Kukishin

In KALI terms, in the LARGO style, this would be angle 10

We know the story about the spear breaking to leave the Ninja with the Bo and how he used the Kuji move sequence to survive

So BO in Kukishin was developed as a system for what to do when the spear breaks

This passes down to the JO and HANBO

Years ago I heard discussion that the Bo was the core weapon of Kukishin

This is of course not true as nobody went into battle with a stick, they went with a spear, which then broke

And of course the full name of the school style is Kukishinden Happo Hiken Jutsu - HIKEN being Secret Sword

With each generation adding to the DENSHO scrolls, we can see where there was a dominant development in BO over existing SWORD in the Kukishinden under the SOKE and SHIHAN at that time

These things happen in peacetime in every Ryuha

Which brings us to the HANBO

It would be a severe weapon break, pretty much the spear being cut in half to create a Hanbo

The Ninja who had this break would most likely discard the stick "half" and keep the "blade bit"

This also lead to development of the NAGIMAKI - a hanbo with a Katana blade - the experiments with the variants and possibilities

So the development of HANBO was deliberate as the "walking stick" length weapon - which would be a good tool as part of a Ninja disguise

This can be seen in parallel again with the KALI LARGO stick and the SAVATE CANNE

The Bo staff was a "peasant" weapon, carried in the country

The Hanbo, a walking cane, was a "Gentleman's" weapon, carried through the city streets

And of course we see the walking stick in Bartitsu in Old London

The HANBO Densho and it's GATA directly influence the DAKENTAIJUTSU and this is obvious

So unusually we see the Hanbo as the weapon, a stick blunt weapon, being the main influence of the Unarmed Combat of this Ryuha

- opposed to the other Ryu such as Koto Ryu and Gyokko Ryu where the Taijutsu, the KOPPO and KOSHI respectively, can be seen as parallel to the Togakure Ninjato, the Shinobi Gatana

And we see the Jutte rather than the short sword and/or knife as the blunt stick tool used at close range, and the use of the Tessen, which then apply to all short range clubs, then in parallel with KALI SERRADA

While Gyokko, Koto and Togakure come down to us from the TODA line, along with Shinden Fudo Ryu, the Kukishin school comes to us from Ishitani, as does Gikan Ryu


As I have written and spoken about elsewhere, I have thoughts and feelings about the Ryuha I know and how they have been passed to Shihan who I know, and those I don't

I wrote how SENO Shihan would have been ideal as Soke of Kukishin

On the Kukishin thread, as we go into 2025 and are covering HANBO and DAKENTAIJUTSU, I have updated my notes on the school

I endorse Ishizuka as Soke of Gyokko Ryu

I endorse Nagato as Soke of Shinden Fudo Ryu

I have trained with both these Shihan at Taikai and can see no better choice

I have trained with Nogucho at TaiKai and I do endorse his appointment as Soke of Koto Ryu, and he is the best current choice, I stand by what I say that he would have been the ideal Soke for Takagi Yoshin Ryu if Manaka had been around to inherit Koto Ryu

I have trained with Manaka at Taikai, he is a Major in the Japanese Defence Militia, a fearsome and powerful Ninja Warrior and his Jinenkan school is an impressive Ninja school in it's own right

I wrote about Tanemura and how I admire his Genbukan school. and how I believe he would be the ideal Soke for Togakure

As it stands, Tanemura claims to be Gikan Ryu Soke for the reasons written - and no doubt he knows how to apply and teach this school

In my personal future development in Kukishinden, I will not be seeking training from the new appointed Soke

As I intend to train with Ishizuka, Noguchi, Nagato, and also Manaka and Tanemura, or rather CONTINUE training with them, I will seek instruction in Kukishinden from them and, most likely their own senior students and successors

For the schools of Takagi Yoshin, Gikan, Komogakure and Gyokushin, I will most likely do the same

The Cantonese word for Interception is Jeet - as in Jeet Kune Do

The Japanese word would be BOJU - Interception or Intercepting

Boju Ken Do would be Interception Fist Way

Boju Do Ken - Intercepting Way Fist

Ken is Fist and Do is Way in Japan

Ken is the Sword in Kendo and Kenjutsu - "weapon" and "fist" being the same in concept

Kenpo means Fist Law

We use the BOJU in Kenjutsu - the Intercepting Thrust

Boju Tsuki

Interestingly, in Chinese, Kune is Way and Do is Fist, as the order is different

Jeet Kune Do is actually Intercepting Way Fist

The Way of the Intercepting Kick would be Jeet Kune Tek - Intercepting Way Kick

So as we use primarily Japanese MA we could say we do not do JKD we do

BDK - Boju Do Ken - Intercepting Way Fist


BDT - Boju Do Tsuki - Intercepting Way Thrust

more properly

BTD - Boju Tsuki Do - Intercepting Thrust Way - The Way Of The Intercepting Thrust

this applies to the Sword Tsuki thrust - and then the Karate Tsuki punch

with Rapier Thrust Chasse - which is then the Savate thrust kick


KNIFE drills

The Concept of Knife "Sparring" at Largo

- the JKD Attribute of

Awareness - To see the opponent's intentions

then Hubud

Sensitivity - To feel the opponent's intentions

HANBO - 6 locks with stepping destruction

- more to follow over the Season

the Hanbo locks will seg into Kali Hubud locks

and into Unarmed Dakentaijutsu of this Ryuha

JKD - BKD - as we are calling it (maybe)

Entry - Destruction and Interception
Pressure - Blast
Terminate - HKE

This develops the third JKD Attribute:

3. Proper Mental Attitude

calmness, confidence, and Killer Instinct

Full-contact training - not sparring
use of with abusive language
use of vivid imagery during training

DEMO of Shuriken - throwing and close range inc Ground

- concept for Metsubishi and modern versions

-when we reference Shuriken and Metsubishi in Class all Members understand what this means historically, the concept, the application, and options for Modern adaptation and improvisation


 The Cantonese word for Interception is Jeet - as in Jeet Kune Do

The Japanese word would be BOJU - Interception or Intercepting

Boju Ken Do would be Interception Fist Way

Boju Do Ken - Intercepting Way Fist

Ken is Fist and Do is Way in Japan

Ken is the Sword in Kendo and Kenjutsu - "weapon" and "fist" being the same in concept

Kenpo means Fist Law

We use the BOJU in Kenjutsu - the Intercepting Thrust

Boju Tsuki

Interestingly, in Chinese, Kune is Way and Do is Fist, as the order is different

Jeet Kune Do is actually Intercepting Way Fist

The Way of the Intercepting Kick would be Jeet Kune Tek - Intercepting Way Kick

So as we use primarily Japanese MA we could say we do not do JKD we do

BDK - Boju Do Ken - Intercepting Way Fist


BDT - Boju Do Tsuki - Intercepting Way Thrust

 The central theme of JKD in 12 Phases:

1. Entering

2. Stop Hits

3. Interception

4. Destructions - to close the gap safely

5. Straight Blast

6. HKE - Headbutts, Knees, Elbows

7. Trapping

8. Low line kicking

9. Eye jabs

10. Groin slaps

11. Boxing

12. Groundfighting

In terms of Vertical Grappling, the techniques and tactics one learns by training in Jujutsu, Judo and Aikido - one needs Trapping to control the VG phase, and we would clinch for HKE before using a throw or takedown

Judo and Aikido both have ATEMI striking in their original forms and advanced training, as they were the original Jujutsu Combat forms, adapted later for the sporting applications

We are training for Self Preservation Street Fighting so we do not look to tie up for a sports grappling match

 Personal development

The root and core of this Art is Self Preservation, an aspect of Personal Development

The finer points of the different Systems we train in are Self Perfection

The Foundation of our Art is Self Protection

Our Art is based on Street Fighting and all that is entailed in it

What is needed to deal with a street fight

and how best to approach it

The central theme of:

1. Entering

2. Stop Hits

3. Interception

4. Destructions - to close the gap safely

5. Straight Blast

6. HKE - Headbutts, Knees, Elbows

7. Trapping

8. Low line kicking

9. Eye jabs

10. Groin slaps

11. Boxing

12. Groundfighting

the Foundation on which to build

Self preservation and street combat

Self perfection and personal growth

The central theme of Self Preservation is the Foundation upon everything which everything we do is bult

It can be applied to any Art

This is not just a conglomeration of techniques

The ability to take someone out of commission in a very violent manner

- without this the rest of the accumulated knowledge will lack potency

Explore complete violence to be completely at peace with yourself

Once one has the Central Theme, they will then be able to rest of the Arts and Systems, their subtleties, nuances, and diversities

As one progresses, they can add, according to personal preferences, elements of those different Arts to their own central theme, which will be highly individualised, and lead to a lifetime of personal development and growth

Research your own experience
Absorb What is useful
Discard what is useless
Add what is speficically your own

- Bruce Lee

Each man practices as he feels inclined

- Miyamoto Musashi

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

 The NEXT List is always ongoing however at the start of the Season we are focussing on specific progression that is CONCEPT and PRINCIPLE based for KENPO and JUJUTSU NEWAZA, as well as the KB Progressive Sparring List


build the List

1. lead jab only
2. lead hand only
3. lead hand and kick only

4. lead hand and kick v boxing
5. lead hand and kick v kickboxing
6. lead hand and kick v kicks only

We have been covering the first three KENPO Concepts already this Season following on from last year

1. Erect Posture

- there are many positive benefits derived in keeping an erect posture.

It allows for ease of movement and quick directional change will also keep you from leaning and over extending.

2. Good Balance

- is enhanced by erect posture.

The body, as well as the joints, must be relaxed and flexible to insure good balance.

It also prevents you from leaning and over extending.

3. Relax

- relaxing enhances good balance.

When the body is relaxed it becomes supple which allows for quick reaction when attacking or defending.

It aids greatly in the acceleration of your strikes.

We always take into account the next two - and though they are worked in a "Trio" with Power, that comes further down this list

4. Speed-

is a primary ingredient of skill, which must be coupled with accuracy.

Although this combination takes precedence over power, speed can contribute greatly to increasing power.

5. Accuracy

- supported by speed is extremely necessary to render maximum effect.

It involves two aspects - movement precision and precise targets.

Many vital areas do not require a lot of force to achieve immobility.

To insure accuracy as well as effect, proper angle is of utmost importance.

Movement precision and precise targets - this also applies to exact weapons/fists

Shuto to uke - as in Delayed Sword and first move of Five Swords

Finger jab to eye

Fudoken cross to jaw

Happa Ken palm slap to Mimi ears

and so on

We will NEXT consider these Concepts

6. Angles

- the proper angles assure accuracy, body alignment and economy of motion.

It must be remembered that whatever angle can be used as a defense, can also be used as an offense by the attacker or defender.

7. Body Alignment

- places angles into perspective.

It compels body parts to coordinate to move in one direction (or opposite directions).

It is no more than angles in harmony traveling to the same target (or directly opposite targets) in the hope of maximizing your blocks or strikes (or a combination of both).

With NEWAZA, keeping in mind the Principles of


we look to the list

2. Detachment Principle

Achieving optimal efficiency in transitions through deliberate connections from your opponent.
Know when to let go in order to achieve a strategic goal.
Holding on "desperately" does not translate to better control.

Achieving optimal efficiency in transitions through deliberate disconnection from your opponent

You have to know when to let go.

Timely detachments from your opponent can be used to maintain control, lure your opponent into a submission, survive an attack, build momentum, and more.

The most challenging aspect of this principle is the need to overcome the internal struggle that invariably occurs every time you need to release something of value in order to get or keep something of greater value.

3. Distance Principle

Distance has the role of neutralizing the application of a technique against you by disrupting the optimal distance from which it is applied.
Managing distance makes it impossible for the opponent to attack effectively.
It will help you understand how to stay safe and attack more efficiently.

Neutralizing the application of a technique against you by disrupting the optimal distance from which it is applied.

We initially learn about distance in the context of a street fight:

“Whoever manages the distance manages the damage.”

This principle also applies in non-striking encounters.

Once you understand the optimal distance required for the successful application of any technique, you can use that understanding to disrupt the opponent’s distance and neutralize their effectiveness.

guard pass,
positional advancement,