Sunday, 5 January 2025

 Once members have perfected the LHK, the Lead Hand and Kick phase we move onto the next three phases

lead hand and kick v boxing

lead hand and kick v kickboxing

lead hand and kick v kicks only

the important part here is to use the LHK against the three variables

your Uke will take the parts for your benefit

Boxer - hands only

Kickboxer - full KB structure

Kicks Only

if you want to take this to the next level you can visit external clubs for Sparring or even enter a competition

spar against a Boxer and a Kickboxer after agreeing to this format

spar against a kick specialist eg a TSD black belt, again after agreeing to the format

This has been done in previous STMA formats, towards the end of the 1990s, and the agreed format benefitted the friends we sparred against

Keep in mind this - a lot of Clubs that claim to show how to use their style "against" whoever have never really tried it AGAINST anyone

eg a Wing Chun club who have a session showing "how to use WC against a boxer/kickboxer" or then "how to use WC against a grappler" - the so called "Sifu" has never sparred with a real boxer, KB, Judoka, Jujutsu, or wrestler, what he does is have one of his own students, who has no training in these styles let alone black belt or competition level, come at him with passive "attacks" so he can show his fantasy "counters"

you don't see WC "fighters" enter events such as UFC, or even the "MMA" and Cage events, and using their "Wing Chun System" to beat kickbox, karate and thai based strikers or grapplers from Judo, JJ or wrestling

So when you do an Isolation, in this case the LHK, we need to know the Uke is doing proper Boxing, Kickboxing and Kick Only - which we definitely do at STMA as we have the background, training, expertise, and experience