Sunday, 5 January 2025

 As I mentioned, in my personal training, I attended the TAIKAI with Hatsumi Sensei over the years, my intention will be to attend Taikai by the different Soke, not just the "general" Ninjutsu training, but in the specific Ryuhu they are now head of

As an existing Shidoshi, I would look to take the opportunity to advance my training in "fifth dan and above" for these Ryuha

I will then pass this down to the Tigers

KOTO Ryu under Noguchi

GYOKKO Ryu under Ishizuka


would be my first interest - and these Shihan would still be teaching the entire NINPO system, not just their specific Ryuha

I will consider further training under Manaka in his JININKEN school

and TANEMURA in his Genbukan school

as I have trained with all five of these SHIHAN over the decades

Maybe parallel or later I would look for instruction in the specific Ryuha from the new Soke

TOGAKURE RYU under Tsutsui Takumi

KUKISHINDEN Ryu under Iwata Yoshio

TAKAGI YOSHIN RYU under Sakasai Norio

GIKAN RYU also under Norio

GYOKUSHIN Ryu under Kan Jun'ichi

KUMOGAKURE Ryu under Furuta Kōji

I do not personally know these Shihan yet, and have no interest in their interpretation of the "overall" Ninpo, I would be looking for training in their specific Ryuha

This is, of course, at this point, my intentions for my personal training over the next decade or so, though part of my SHIDOSHI development is to practice and teach what I learn back at my own Dojo, in this case STMA

As mentioned, it is possible that future training in some RYUHA will be done under the next SOKE, the current Soke's successor